7.00 : unexpected visit

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"What is wrong with you?" Seola yelled, her loud voice echoing through the entire floor. Her eyes piercing holes into Minha's.

Yein had just walked out of their practice room, making her way to her locker to change shoes when she didn't even come that far, tripping over a foot that has been placed in front of her, clearly on purpose. Seola, who had just walked around the corner, coming back from the toilet, had witnessed the incident and was more than furious at her old friend. She immediately stood by Yein's side, pulling her back up slowly.

"Was that necessary? Are you really that pitiful?" Seola eyed the trainee.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't see how her bad balance is any of my fault." Minha, who had glared back at Seola, spit.

"Bad balance my ass-" — "It's okay" Yein interrupted Seola, placing her hand on her shoulder as soon as she had rubbed the dust off her pants. It was nine in the night, the past three weeks had been extremely stressful due to their packed schedules and her MC job didn't give her more time to sleep either. She was exhausted and in no shape to endure any childish behavior from anyone. She was incredibly sensitive right now and practically a ticking bomb that was about to explode at any given moment. By pushing the right buttons, she'd surely explode earlier. This was the right button. She was fucking mad.

"I don't know what I did to you, for you to treat me this way but whatever is going on with you, get it fixed." Yein said through gritted teeth. She was so done with being quiet. She had alot of patience and understanding for people in stressful situations and under alot of pressure but this was going way ahead of them. She had given her space throughout Heaven and even afterwards, she had not once confronted Minha about her sudden toxic behavior towards her as Yein was sure that it was jealousy at some point. Bumping into her on purpose, throwing her practice shoes into the trash during the show, Yein endured that and more things but pushing her onto the ground was out of line. It was unprofessional even for a trainee.

"There is nothing wrong with me, I just can't stand you. I can't stand seeing you. Your face pisses me off so much I can't help it."

"Oh come on. Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while but you're really just abusing that privilege. You have the right to hate me as much as you want but leave me out of your complexes" Yein sighed, shaking her head lightly before turning around and making her way back to the practice room, a satisfied Seola following behind her.

Before they closed their practice room door, Seola turned to the trainee one last time, flashing her both middle fingers before closing the door and focusing on her band members in the room.

"She needs therapy" Seola yelled through the room, the other members now turning to face her.

"Who? What did we miss?" Hana asked, approaching Seola, who was now throwing her towel against the wall.

"That stupid good for nothing!"

"Seola is talking about Minha" Yein explained, clearing the mystery up. Minnie had joined the group that was build infront of the door the second she had heard the name Minha fall in the room.

"What did she do now?" Minnie asked.

"She thought it was funny pushing Yein to the ground"

"She did what?" The disbelief in Minnie's voice was clear. She didn't know what to say for a split second. She was simply too stunned by how mean the once sweet girl she had met on the show, could be. If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she would have trouble believing that Minha was a bully. She had always made a very innocent appearance up until the point where Yein became the ace in the show. From then on, her true colors came to light. Her facade dropped. The editors had changed up most scenes to make it look like friendly pranks between friends, but some members on the show knew what was really happening.

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