6.00 : number

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"This corndog is giving me butterflies." Jake gasped, the moment he had taken a bite from the cheese corndog Akito had packed Yein to eat, along with her Sushi. It had taken her a while to convince the older to eat it.

Jake had insisted on her eating it herself and even waited until she was done eating her sushi, making sure she was really full and was not just offering it because his lunch wasn't enough for him. He didn't want to take her lunch from her, as he was worried over the fact that she had not eaten anything up until now. He had given her the chocolate bar earlier but she did not have time to even take one bite of it. He had noticed.

"I'm glad you took it" Yein laughed, watching the male next sitting in front of her, enjoy the food like he had not eaten in a week.

The two had stayed in the cafeteria to eat, as they had found a quiet table in the corner of the room. The staff members were happily enjoying their food, not paying any attention to the two idols being friendly with one another. It was normal for them as they would see idols bond almost every day.

"Thanks again. Our workouts every morning make me really hungry" He explained, taking another bite of his food.

"How long do you guys even workout? I've never seen you guys at the gym." Yein asked, taking a sip from the cup of water on the table.

"We usually only take one hour of personal training while you guys are using the practice room. But lately I've been working out with Niki and Taehyun."

"No wonder I never see you around."

"Mhm but lately we've been bumping into each other rather often." He pointed out, finishing the last piece of his cheese corndog. He placed the stick inside the plastic bag in which Yein's sushi had been in earlier. The trash bin was simply too far away for their tired legs, so Yein renamed the plastic bag, as their bin, collecting all the trash to throw away later.

"Our schedules are linked with each other now. I'll have to see your face every Friday from now on." She groaned playfully, acting like it was a bad thing when it clearly wasn't. The two were getting along perfectly.

She hadn't really been in contact with any males ever since she had signed her contract with their company. She had avoided any type of scandal or rumors since she was a trainee and up until now she had managed to do so. Well, up until now. She would have to face a few comments from now on as she would be seen with a male idol on television now. Worst part of it wasn't even the fact that she had to interact with a male (besides the fact that she didn't really know how to act), the worst part was that it was all live broadcasting. One mistake and she could get canceled for it. One step too close to Jake and she'd have a herd of fangirls at the back of her neck. One bow too shallow and the netzens would have her head on a spike. 

She was aware of the risk she was taking but she couldn't help but to feel comfortable around the male. He was a very laid back person, his aura almost screaming at you to trust him and be off guard. With him, she didn't have to be careful. She could be bold, loud, lazy. The energy he gave off resembled the one of a dog. Not just any dog, seemed to be specifically like a German Shepherd. At first very closed, protective and demanding but the second you'd get closer, showing no harm, he would relax, be playful, caring and very understanding. Or maybe he was more of a golden retriever?

"Ah I drank my water already" Jake scratched the back of his head, irritated over the fact that he would have to get up and refill his cup. But before he could even get up, his eyes followed Yein's hand as she passed him her cup of water she had refilled a few minutes ago.

"Have mine" She smiled, shaking her head at him showing her just how lazy he was. "Well, only if you don't mind drinking from the same cu-" Before she could even finish her sentence, Jake had already gulped down the water in her cup.

"It doesn't bother me. Thanks, next time i'll get you something to eat and drink too"

"No need to. You already gave me your chocolate bar, remember?"

"That was nothing. Next time I'll give you some of my lunch." Jake resisted, gaining a sigh from the female, followed be a nod.

"By the way, has Niki texted you?" Jake spoke again. His question making Yein's eyes slightly bigger before she broke eye contact to glance at her phone that rested on the table next to her.

"He hasn't" She replied, giving her best to not sound all to fazed by it. She wasn't fazed by it at all. Right?

"What an idiot" Jake mumbled, shaking his head slightly at the reply he had gotten. He was irritated. The younger had wandered aimlessly around their dorm lately with his phone in his hand. Jake had asked him a few times before he had finally managed to squeeze the answer out of the youngest. Niki had been clueless as to what he should text Yein to not sound like a complete creep. He couldn't just text her out of no where, that would be too out of context. But then again, he didn't really have any choice as the two hadn't seen each other often enough for him to have a good reason to text her.

Niki had started to focus in becoming an idol from an early age on. He had dreamed of being a famous dancer and due to that, he had put his whole energy into training. After being accepted into the company and moving to Korea, he had difficulties with the language and the moment he had successfully learned the language, he had already debuted. He had never gotten to have a full childhood, he had never gotten to grow up with the experiences others did. He had never gotten to experience his first Highschool crush, he had never gotten to experience the feeling of asking for someone's number. Niki had a lot of female friends he had grown up with due to his two sisters taking him along with them to gatherings, but that was about it. He was very inexperienced and had no clue if he was going to mess up or not. Scared of that, he had not told the members about it, until Jake had managed to squeeze it out of him.

Niki wanted to become close friends with Yein and Jake respected that. He had told the younger to just text her if she had eaten yet but apparently the younger didn't follow his instruction. It was understandable but Jake didn't really want to play wingman for his friend. He wanted Niki to experience it himself as he had never gotten to.


Jake's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Yein's phone. His eyes followed her movements as she had now picked up her phone, checking who texted her. She immediately went to the messages, checking them. There were multiple messages from before that she had chosen to ignore. Most of them coming from the bickering inside their band group chat.

Her eyes got caught up on the top messager, the one that had just now texted her. It was a number she had not yet saved on her phone. She opened the chat, immediately feeling her blood rush onto her cheeks.

Jake noticed the sudden change in her expressions as she had turned from relaxed to a red faced meerkat. He raised his eyebrows as he noticed the female had now turned her phone to him, showing him the display of her phone. A small laugh escaped his lips before he gave her a thumbs up. "Talking about the devil"

+1 310 564-7006

It's me, Niki.
Have you eaten already?

This number works and I advice every Engene to try it out if you haven't already. You won't regret it, trust me on this one. There are seven wonders answering the phone on the other line ;) It's also for free.

Thank me later

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