25 - Don't You Dare Put That Mouth on me.

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A/N - mature contents ahead. Kids, you know the drill....  😘😘😘

Jungkook was sitting in the bar area, trying to drown himself in liquor, again. Trying is the key word because Hoseok wasn't letting him have more than 3 drinks, no matter how much Jungkook pleaded or even threatened.

Hoseok didn't need to ask the reason why the younger one was this upset because the answer was flashing like a police siren in front of his eyes very clearly. Well, almost all of the club can see it. Jay was making out with V, in public, for everyone to see. And a certain someone found it utterly annoying.

Jungkook was burning with jealousy. He knows very well that V is still Jay's play toy in public, although their roles are actually reversed in reality. But no matter who's the top here, it doesn't change the fact that both of them are intimate with each other.

Jungkook didn't know what he expected to happen with V, it's not like he can leave Jay and be with Jungkook. That'll be literally the end of both of their lives. But still, watching them make out like that, watching V's demanding lips dance with that bastard's lips, it was like torture for Jungkook.

He knows he has no right to demand such a thing, but he wants to be the only one who gets to feel and taste V's mouth. They haven't labeled themselves but Jungkook wanted exclusivity. He knows it's unfair to hold that against V because the latter does not have a choice but to obey Jay's whims. Same with Jungkook. If Jay called him and told him to strip bare, Jungkook would have no choice but to comply. Not doing so would be inviting his own death, probably with an excruciating round of torture. Because inside this club, Jay is God. So even though Jungkook was furious and damn jealous, all he could do was drink his senses away.

But Hoseok is not letting him do that either. So Jungkook was in a very bad mood.

V was actually surprised when Jay pulled him closer on the sofa and kissed him. Normally they keep all their moments behind closed doors to hide the fact that Jay is the submissive one. He could see that Jay's men were surprised too.

V groaned in his heart but didn't have any other choice but to comply with Jay's actions. To pretend to be pleasured under his master. V had done this many times now but he had forgotten a crucial fact.

Jungkook was working in the club today and there's a good chance of him seeing this. And that's exactly what happened.

V was dutifully kissing Jay when he noticed Jungkook walking at a fast pace. One look at his face was enough for V to understand what Jungkook had seen and what he must be thinking.

V gently excused himself from Jay's embrace. Lucky for him, Jay is supposed to meet a rich client soon so he lets the man go away. V walked towards the wash room where he had seen the younger walk in and sure enough, Jungkook was in there with an irritated face.

Jungkook instinctively looked up through the mirror when the door opened but looked away after giving the elder a two second death glare. V knew the younger was angry so he tried to make it up to him by the only way he knew. Flirting.

"Hey.." v said cheerfully but Jungkook only huffed at that.

He washed his hands and dried them and tried to walk out of the wash room, but was stopped by V. The elder raised his hand to grab Jungkook's arm, making him halt in his path.

"Let go of me!" Jungkook snapped at V who raised his eyebrows at that but didn't release his hold.

V gently pushed Jungkook until his back was pressed against the wall and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Doll, you know I don't have a choice-"

"Why don't you have a choice, V? It doesn't look like Jay is forcing you to do anything! You seem perfectly happy to be there." Jungkook was so angry that he didn't even realize half of the things he was saying.

V sighed loudly and closed his eyes for a few seconds, his arms still forming a cage around Jungkook. "You don't understand, doll."

"Yeah?! Why don't you try me?!!"

But V could not give out his secrets and reasons, not just yet. So he tried to do the next thing that came to his mind. He leaned forward to kiss Jungkook but to his surprise, the younger one turned his head away from him.

"Don't you dare put that mouth on me, I know where it had been."

V felt as if Jungkook had slapped him. The sneering tone was not something that V had ever heard from the younger. Jungkook was beyond angry.

V felt terrible in this situation. Angry that it's making Jungkook misunderstand him. And angry that he's not capable of reassuring the younger, that Jay means nothing to him. This doe eyes, bunny teeth beauty is the one that has a hold on his heart.

It made him so angry to see the way the younger was turned away from him. As if he was disgusted with him. Something primal took over his heart and all V could think about was that he had to remove that look from Jungkook's eyes. He didn't necessarily think about whether it's appropriate or not.

V grabbed Jungkook's wrist and dragged him into one of the stalls. Jungkook was struggling against the pull but V knew that the younger was more than capable of getting out of that grip if he really wanted it.

V closed the door and pushed Jungkook against it. He looked at the other with darkened eyes while the younger was looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry for having my mouth dirtied." V said in a voice thick with emotions, as he quickly unbuckled the younger's belt. "But I assure you, my hands are clean."

V loosened the belt, unbuttoned Jungkook's pants, making it fall down to his knee. All the while, he looked directly into the younger's eyes, searching for the slightest hint of a resistance. He's not a molester to do this kind of thing without the other's consent.

When Jungkook kept his hands firmly on his sides and made no attempt to stop the elder, V hooked his fingers on to the waistband of Jungkook's briefs and pulled it down too.

V's long and slender fingers were wrapped around Jungkook's shaft in the next second and he was rewarded with a slight gasp. V started to move his hand up and down, in quick, jerky movements.

Soon the younger's facial expression changed from anger to arousal. He was making lewd noises, which indeed sounded like music from heaven. Jungkook's hands were still at his sides and V grabbed them with his other hand and slammed them onto the wall over his head.

V pressed his upper body on Jungkook's and the younger one whimpered a bit at that. V didn't stop his hand movement on Jungkook's shaft for even a millisecond and soon the younger felt the familiar heat in his belly.


"Shh... keep quiet.. you shouldn't let others hear those pretty sounds. Only I get to hear them, only me. Is that understood, doll?"

Head floating in the clouds, Jungkook meekly nodded his head. He was so close to his release and just with a few more strokes, Jungkook came all over V's hand.


Jungkook felt his legs buckle under him and immediately grabbed onto V's shoulders. The elder was cleaning his hand with the tissues but managed to wrap his other hand around Jungkook's waist and pulled the younger against his chest.

"Hey.. you ok?" V's voice was gentle, all the earlier fire and intensity already gone.

Jungkook looked up at V's face and noticed the concern and affection there. Seriously, he had been a fool to behave like that. Jungkook accepted that V has some secrets in his life and that he's not yet comfortable with sharing them.

Whatever his reasons for staying with Jay, Jungkook highly doubted that it was due to affection. He doesn't know why or how, but V's feelings towards him felt like genuine ones to Jungkook.

And it was all that mattered. For now at least

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