Chapter 41 [✔]

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After the war I stumbled around helping those who needed it, I brought in bodies and helped the injured.

So many people were lost tonight, the people that we all knew and loved. Lavender Brown and Fred...Remus and Tonks...even Professor Snape, it was truly hard to feel the pain that everyone was radiating.

But my pain was unbearable, I felt emotionless like my heart had been crushed between two boulders the size of mountains.

I was sitting on the steps with Ron and Harry, my head on Harry's shoulder, my eyes were closed. I didn't want to live in this reality.

"Granger?" I hear an annoyingly familiar voice call from behind me.

I turned my head to the voice, Draco Malfoy stood there looking at me sheepishly with a piece of paper in his hand.

Tears stained his face as he held out the letter in his hands to me.

"What is that?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Just take it, Granger, I don't even know what's in it," He said, his voice shaking.

"Who is it from?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.


"What?" I ask breathlessly.

Standing up I take it from him.

My name was engraved on the outside of the crisp vanilla paper, a green seal of wax beneath the opening.

"She also wanted me to give you this," He said, withdrawing from his pocket a chain, and on that chain were two rings, a gold and diamond one, and the other silver and emerald.

Our rings...

Carefully I opened the letter, my finger breaking the wax seal with a persistence that was cautious but eager.

I read inside my mind because I had no idea whether it was sensitive information that Harry and Ron couldn't hear.

"Dear Hermione,'s been a while since I've written a letter to's been what-five months?

With the war, I've been scared to send you anything or try and find you because they would have found me and then they would have found you.

I'm assuming that Draco gave you this letter because something happened to decent thing he's ever done.

I guess in a way you can say that it was a final wish before I met my expiration date...

You know just when I thought that Voldemort couldn't get any crueler he made me drink a potion designed to erase my memories of you.

But, yet again he failed.

Look...I don't want to fill this letter with a whole biography of the twisted things that have happened over the five months but I do want to say one thing;

I'm sorry.

You know when I was at Beauxbatons we would gossip about boys and who we were going to marry one day.

I remember I didn't have an answer.

They asked again later, but I still didn't have an answer.

But, when I met you I felt different.

You were my answer.

I was once asked what love is to me...

Some people say they picture a giant red beating heart that only beats for another.
But my mind didn't picture that.

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