Chapter 15 [✔]

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As promised, I bought my dress robes in Hogsmeade, I'm going with Draco and Hermione is going with someone else- I didn't know who though.

I know it isn't the redhead or the golden child because they were going with the Patil sisters.

Astoria was going with Blaise Zabini, and Millicent was going with Theodore Nott who reluctantly agreed when she asked.

Tonight was the Yule Ball.

A night filled with tipsy people swaying to the music played by the weird sisters, who were actually weird.

With magnificent ice sculptures decorating the castle grounds as well as the halls, singing statues that would serenade each person who stood in front of their statue for too long.

Gigantic icicles hung in the middle of the air releasing a bluish light that gave a different feeling throughout the castle.

No longer warm and inviting, instead it was cold and cruel.

Not everyone saw it like that, but for some reason I did.

I hurry through the halls my large black bag in my hand, my dress robes hidden from prying eyes.

Draco requested that I get something to match his dress robes, to match Slytherin.

So naturally, I went in the other direction.

The portrait swings open as soon as I murmured the password; I make my way through the crowded common room for only two hours until I had to be at the ball.

Yes had to.

As a champion, I was forced to start the ball with none other than Draco Malfoy at my side.

I shoved past girls, their hands holding makeup that wouldn't do them justice.

Quickly, I shut the door to my room and breathe a sigh of relief within the safety of the walls inside my room.

I get to work on the hours of work that I would have to get done for my appearance, as soon as I gather my wits about me.

My dress hangs on the mirror beside my vanity still covered in its black bag.

I was in the dress shop for almost an hour searching for the perfect dress, and my work paid off because I found it.

A red dress, form-fitting around my waist with sleeves billowing out and down my sides.

Golden sparkles adorned the top showing pride for Gryffindor rather than Slytherin.

A sort of secret message for who I truly wanted to go with.

Sure Draco would be annoyed but I didn't care.

Not one bit.

Slipping on the red heels that went with it I grabbed my bag and left my room.

My hair cascaded down my back in ringlets, perfect and glossy.

My face is makeup-less aside from a little bit of something to darken my eyelashes.

The common room was empty not a soul in sight as I made my way through it the train of my dress following my every step.

I counted my breaths as I walked up the stairs to the main hall where all of the champions and their dance partners would be waiting until we were called in to start the dance.

Draco stood there with his hands in his pockets staring at the hall that I would be emerging from.

Suddenly, he sees me and he straightens immediately.

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