Chapter 33: Confirmation

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|yourt pov|
Al and I arrived back at the hotel as it was nighttime. Charlie and Vaggie told us goodnight right when we got back as they went upstairs. Apparently, Angel Dust has been asleep for hours beforehand, as Husk was passed out at the little bar he normally sat at.
I went upstairs and changed into some more comfortable clothes as I heard a light rhythmic knock at my door.
I opened the door to see Al. I moved aside to let him in as I closed my door behind him.

"Shall we begin darling?"

"We shall," I said as Al stood in front of me.

'God he is so tall.' I was hesitant on doing this here. I told Al that maybe we should do it somewhere with more space as he nodded his head. He grabbed my hand as he teleported us on the roof of the hotel. I looked up and was marveled at the sight. The sign saying "Happy Hotel" was glowing bright. The rest of the buildings and cars below had lights bright enough to be seen from all the way up here. The sight around was breathtaking.
     I sat down as Al followed my actions. I reached out my hands carefully as he did the same. I placed my hand in his palms as I made sure Al was one hundred percent sure that he wanted to go through this.

"If it means that I figure out if you are who I think you are, then yes. If you aren't, then I still wouldn't regret it either way."

     I chanted a few words in Enochian as my eyes glowed a light blue. My palm glowed as Al's eyes glowed shortly after.
     'Did it work?' I looked around as I realized the world around us slowly turned into the illusions of memories. Al looked at me as he helped me up. It was pitch black around us.
     A light slowly came to life as we saw it as a memory. My memories. Al wanted to go over our memories of our past life to confirm if they were real or not.
     Al made his cane appear as he slammed it on the ground. He quickly said something in Latin as the memory played itself out around us. He walked around the memory with me as it was me as a child. It was a memory of me with the kind lady who hid me in the orphanage. That was until it showed the headmaster shouting at the lady as I got kicked out.
     It moved on to me peeking and listening to lessons teachers taught at school, since they had left their windows open for fresh air. Al inspected each memory that passed as he looked at this memory in awe, as he said he found it quite adorable at how I managed myself as a child.
     Memory after memory, Al quickly inspected them until Al stopped. 'The night I met my love.' The memory played from me dancing on stage, bumping into the creep, and having a handsome man, who's name was Alastor, help me out. It showed us talking and then me having to drive my him home as he was drunk. I felt a bit embarrassed as it showed the memory of the next morning where I embarrassed myself by having my towel slip in front of my him. Al chuckled when he saw that memory as I glanced up at him from the corner of my eye. He then skimmed through the rest of the memories until I stopped him.
     I told Al that it was time for me to check his memories as well as it only seemed fair. He hesitated as he told me I could only look so far in his memories. I was now curious as to why but understood as I searched his memories.

|Alastor's pov|

My memories of my childhood flashed through quickly as I knew there was no reason to see my childhood. My memories slowed down as they started matching up with yours. I kept close watch on which memories showed and which ones I made sure didn't appear before us.
A memory of when you and I had dinner with your friend's parents had appeared. I panicked internally as I remembered I had a strange dream after that dinner. Right when it showed me closing my eyes after we got home then, I skipped on to another memory. You looked at me confused as I didn't say anything. I didn't want you to see me dreaming that one dream I had. Thinking about the dream that involved you made me sick. Uncomfortable mostly. The thought of sexual intercourse makes me so uncomfortable that it could make me sick. I found it revolting. The fact I once dreamt about doing that with you then terrified the Hell out of me. I remember when you woke me up I was sweating and panting. It was from fear. Just even thinking about that memory sent chills down my spine. If you had seen that dream in my memory, I would die from embarrassment and uncomfortableness. You would probably be disgusted that I actually had a dream about that. I decided to stop focusing so much on that disturbing memory as I started carefully watching which of my memories played out.
     I quickly stopped my memories after the memory of your death played out. You then slowly pulled your hand back as the illusions of memories slowly faded out and back into reality. I could tell many thoughts were running through your head as I was just shocked after realization hit me. 'You are my darling (Y/N).' I stood up as I leaned over and held my hand out to you.

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