Chapter 27: What is up with Al?

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|your pov|

     Lucifer decided to help me use my magic again. He lent me a book on enochian symbols and sigils. Some of them were incase I ever needed help.

"Now (Y/N) child, I have realized you have partially been in your demonic form lately. It's not entirely healthy for you to be in that form all the time. However, you are different than other demons and sinners who come here. I suppose it's hard getting used to your new form. I will need to help you control your demonic form."

     I nodded my head at Lucifer as he began explaining important factors about Hell and how it works. I practiced on getting entirely out of my demonic form, since this was all very new to me.

"Relax, close your eyes and breathe child."

   I listened and followed Lucifer's advice and I felt different. Lucifer snapped his fingers as a mirror appeared in front of me.
My wings were not there anymore. Neither was my slashed halo. My eyes, horns, teeth, and skin color were the same as well as my tail. I thanked Lucifer as I didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.
     He helped me control my demonic form and when it showed. It was easy as I wondered how I didn't control this beforehand. Lucifer chuckled as Lilith's voice was heard outside the room. It sounded as if she was humming. A soft smile grew itself upon Lucifer's face.
     We both suddenly appeared in the kitchen where Lilith was making tea. Lucifer waltzed over towards Lilith as they danced around the kitchen. They laughed as they looked into each other's eyes. I smiled to myself at how cute they seemed together.
     I sat down at their giant luxurious table as I drank some tea. Lilith offered me some snacks as I kindly accepted. Lucifer said that I should practice my combat skills more often. He said fighting other demons should help but to be careful who I get into fights with. He explained it would be exhausting getting into a fight with an Overlord.
     I could tell Lucifer wasn't entirely fond of the Overlords here. It seemed as if he thought they were whiny little sinners.
An hour or two passed as I realized I should probably get back. Lucifer sent a car to drive me back to the hotel as I thanked him. Lilith gave me her farewells as she seemed to be getting ready for a show. I guessed she was a singer based on how well she was humming today along with Charlie's singing. I bid my farewells before getting inside the car.
     The car ride was once again long but I finally spotted the hotel from afar. I saw a very tall demon walk out of the hotel as they were wearing heart shaped glasses and a giant coat. They seemed intimidating as I waited in the car. They left as I thanked the driver and made my way back inside the hotel. Charlie greeted me as she had to take a double glance at me.

"You were able to control your demonic form! Yay!" She exclaimed as he eyes lit up with pure joy.

     I giggled at her reaction as Vaggie seemed too absorbed with paperwork. I asked where Al was as Charlie told me he should be  in his office. I thanked her as I made my way to Al's office. I knocked on the door as I heard a faint "Come in."
     I walked in as Al was sitting at the desk looking very exhausted. He was holding something small and shiny in his hand. He turned his head to see me and he jolted in his seat. He almost fell backwards but he caught himself. I took notice he quickly shoved whatever he was holding, back inside his pocket. I giggled a little at how he jolted as he looked at me and smiled softly.

"I see you have figured out how to control your demonic form (Y/N)."

     I nodded my head as I closed the door and sat down in a chair. Al asked me how I was as I told him I was fine. I tried asking him how he was doing but he avoided the question. He changed the subject as I took notice he didn't want to talk about himself at the moment. I thought maybe I'll try to talk to him later. He had a smile on his face but I could tell by the look in his eyes he was tired. I wanted to know what was bugging him. I felt a connection to him for some reason and I wanted to know why. 'Does he feel the same connection?'


     I'm so sorry for not updating lately. Work has been hectic with all this pandemic shit. Thank goodness it's not as bad as it is here where I live than the United States. I heard it's gone to shit honestly so I'm going to pray for everyone who lives there. Have a nice day~ \(^o^)/

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