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"Come on Kodi," Quinn pleaded.

"Why are you asking me this instead of Ella?" I questioned.

"Um, cause she probably doesn't want to go and maybe if you do then she'll come?"

"If Ella doesn't want to go then I'm not going to force her."

"If you go then she'll want to, that's not forcing."

I sighed. "I'll think about it okay?"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Quinn exclaimed and ran off to her car.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. I was on my way to see Ella after her class and ran into Quinn. She said there's a party here tonight and she wants Ella to go with her, and I guess now me too.

"My first ever college party," Quinn said dreamily. "Ella is usually all for parties, but college is a lot of work that she's serious about and probably won't want to go. So you have to ask her to come."

I shook my head as I knocked on the dorm door.

The door immediately opened and arms were thrown around my neck. I chuckled and pulled her waist into me, letting my arms go around her thin frame. 

"I missed you," she mumbled into me.

"I missed you too."

She planted a firm kiss on my lips and pulled me inside.

"What's up Addy?" I nodded at her. She was sitting in her bed on her phone. She looked up briefly to greet me. "So babe," I started, "I heard there's a party tonight. Want to go?"

Ella's eyes glanced at me before going back to her computer.

"I don't know Lee," she trailed off. "Maybe. If I finish this assignment then I'll go okay?"

"Hell yeah!" Addy cheered.

I chuckled. Well that was easier than I thought.

"Can I help you do it?" I asked.

"It's about photography Lee. You wouldn't know what to do." She typed more.

I huffed jokingly. "You don't know that. I could be really good."

She gave me a doubtful look before typing.

"How about this? I'm in management as well. You're going to be running a company when you're older. Why don't you do my management work?"

I smiled. I didn't like doing management a whole lot, but whatever Ella wants.

"Okay," I shrugged.

While she got into her folder, Addy started up a conversation.

"You're gonna be running a company?"

"Yeah kinda. Part own I guess. Maybe run one somewhere. My family owns a bunch."

"I still can't believe you're Kodi. Cooper."

I nodded slowly. "Mhm," I hummed as I looked over the papers Ella gave me.

"Your girlfriend is fucking rich Ella."

"You should see her parents houses," Ella said.

I started doing the papers as Addy continued to ramble on about how awesome that is and she's almost friends with a millionaire. I chuckled when she asked if that meant she got a discount on any of our products.

"Only family," I said softly as I wrote some answers.

I heard her groan and I laughed.

We continued to work, a little conversation here and there, I was on the last paper Ella gave me when she finished. She rested her head on my shoulder while she watched.

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