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Ella practically froze when she heard the timer that went off on her phone, signaling it had been five minutes. She took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom. She looked up to the sky, almost pleaded and shut her eyes as she picked up the stick. She peaked down at it before opening her eyes all the way. She sighed in relief, with a laugh.


Kodi bobbed her head up and down to the beat, tapping the air as she heard the drums.

"That is a hit Jada! Damn you are the best," Kodi screeched at the girl. Jada was a Kodi's producer. Kodi has had a bit of writing and music block lately, due to the fact that Ella and her have been trying to have a baby for the past four months and it doesn't seem to be working. That alone has been stressful and saddening to not only herself, but to Ella as well. She can't stand to see her wife sad.

Jada was older than Kodi, around thirty five. She had dark hair and chocolate skin. She was amazing. She's helped Kodi get farther and farther throughout her career, and with this song it's going to help her even further.

"I think this is going to be good Kode. I want to do one more take on it though. Get back in the studio and then you can go home to your family, I promise." Kodi nodded eagerly. She couldn't wait to get home to Ella and her sons. She's been at the studio all day with Jada making up beats and putting the song together. Her fingers were raw from playing the guitar so much and she needed a much needed beer.

They went through the song one more time, stopping here and there to go over something and Jada sent her off for the day. Kodi was so tired. She just wanted to go home and take a nap. She pulled up to their house and put the key in the lock, twisting it open.

"I'm home!" She yelled. She heard a slow pitter patter of bare feet on the floor and smiled as the light haired boy emerged from the kitchen.

"Momma!" He squeaked. Kodi scooped up the nearly two year old boy and kissed all over his face.

Oliver Jackson Cooper-Adams. Kodi had him. Ella was a little hesitant to have their first baby together. Kodi was very willing to, she missed the feeling of being pregnant. She loved being pregnant with Kaleb. Oliver had brown hair like Kodi, though it was pretty light, and green eyes like Ella, he was also a little paler like her. He was basically a perfect mix between the two.

"Hi Ollie," she cooed. "Where's mommy?"

"Cook!" She nodded at him as he grabbed onto her ear, trying to get to her earring. She held him out at arms length as she went into the kitchen and he giggled. She seen her wife at the stove, placing something in a pot and placed the boy down. She circled her arms around Ella and kissed her cheek gently.

"Hey baby." Ella smiled brightly at her, giving her a long kiss on the lips, leaving Kodi a little dazed. "I missed you too. Where's Kaleb?"

"Kenny came and picked him up, apparently Kaleb and Kane had plans that we were not informed about," she rolled her eyes playfully. Kodi smirked. Classic. "He should be home soon though."

"Of course," she mumbled. "What're you making?"

"Potstickers and some other things here and there." Kodi perked up, glancing at her son who was playing with his trucks.

"What's the special occasion?" She asked suspiciously.

"Hm? No special occasion. Can't I cook my wife's favorite food just cause?" Ella smiled at her before going back to work. Kodi narrowed her eyes at the blonde, but shrugged it off.

"Okay.. Well I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back." She pecked her wife's cheek before heading to the bathroom.

Ella smiled to herself and hopped a little in place. Her son tugged on her pants and she looked down into those emerald green.

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