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It was two in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I've counted sheep, did yoga, drank a glass of milk, tried to relax, I even pumped, but nothing. These stupid nightmares are getting out of hand.

At 3am I did yoga and exercised, hoping it will wear me out. I did jumping jacks, I did pushups, I did crunches, wall sits, I even ran on the treadmill. It didn't help. All it did was get me sweaty.

At 4am I took a shower. A long and warm shower. I sat in bed and stared at the ceiling until I went down into my studio room and started working on a song. I got a melody down and started working on the lyrics. I was really satisfied with it. By then it was almost 6am. Kacy would be getting up soon to go to school. I decided to make her some eggs, toast, and bacon. At around 6:45 she came down.

"Hey," she trailed off. "What're you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep," was my short response. "I made you breakfast, and I can take you to school if you want." I handed her the plate with food. She looked at me worriedly and shook her head.

"No that's okay, I can take the bus. Why don't you go lay down and try and get some sleep, you look exhausted. Thank you for breakfast though," she smiled softly and gave me a hug, so I decided to go upstairs to lay down.

I guess I was more tired then I thought. When I closed my eyes I could feel the sleep begging to take over me. In about half an hour I was out like a light.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned, pulling it off the nightstand not bothering to look at who it was I answered it. Of course somebody calls when I'm actually finally getting some sleep.

"Hello..?" I yawned.

"Shit did I wake you I am so sorry." She says quickly.

"It's fine Ella. I probably need to get up anyways." Rubbing my eyes I look over at the clock seeing it was only eight. Of course I don't need to get up, I only slept about an hour.

"I'm still sorry though. I didn't even realize how early it was. I'm just on break and school and decided to call."

"It's alright I promise," I slowly sat up and pinched my nose, a headache was starting to form. I sighed as Kaleb started to cry. "I got to go, sorry. Bye Ella." I hang up almost immediately as I go into his room to the crying baby. I pick Kaleb up, bouncing him in my arms, setting him on the changing table.

Throwing his diaper away, he still wouldn't stop crying, so I do what he loves best. I start singing.

everybody needs inspirations.. a beautiful melody when the nights so long.
Cause there's no guarantee that this life is easy
Yeah when my world is falling apart

His painful cries die down.

When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I, look at you.

I smile down at him and he rubs his face in my chest causing me to sigh.

"Kodi?" A little voice says from behind me. "I heard you singing." Looking behind me I see a bedheaded, sleepy eyed Kane smiling up at me.

"Yeah honey, was I good?" I smile softly at him, while sitting down in the rocking chair.

"Amazing, I miss you singing all the time," he pouts.

I ignore his compliment and pout.

"I can take you to preschool today if you want?" I start to roll up my shirt and Kaleb instantly latches on. "You've got to get out of this habit baby," I whisper to him.

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