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UHM? Hello?

What the hell?

I'm sorry? I just looked to see that 105k people have viewed this story?


Compared to other stories, that doesn't even seem like a lot, but it's a lot to me and I never ever thought my story would be viewed that much.

I just wanted to say thank you all so much for anybody who has read this story, even if it was only a couple of chapters, and an even bigger thank you to the people who have gotten through the whole thing!

I know it's not the best book and it definitely needs some work, but I really appreciate all you guys. Seriously, just thank you so so much for making it through and hopefully you enjoyed at least some of the book.


While I'm here, I might as well do an update, right?

I've had barely any motivation to write anything. I wrote that Mitchsen story a month ago, but that's been it.

I have so so so many stories in my drafts, but none of them are anywhere near getting done, besides some one-shots that deal with Fandoms like Supergirl and Pitch Perfect.

The only book I've sort of been focusing on is a Supergirl fic, but even that is going extremely slow and I only have four chapters written.

I start school on Thursday and I'm starting my majors program for the first time, so I'm going to be swamped with that and won't have much time to write.

It'll probably be at least another year before I actually publish another story, besides maybe some one-shots.

I hope you've all been doing well and I'm wishing you happiness and good health in the future xxxxxx

Love you all lots, and thank you so so much again!!!! You're extremely appreciated.


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