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Important note before reading:

I don't know if you guys remember, but in one of the Extra's I mentioned Quinn's twins Emma and Aiden.

Well, I've changed Emma's name (I totally didn't forget I already have an Emily in this story, and those names are way too similar.) Her name is now Ava.

Ava and Aiden.

Just to let y'all know so it wasn't confusing!!!

I also have exciting news at the bottom....

Kodi watched as an eight-year old Oliver fidgeted in front of her and Ella. The poor boy was red-faced and looking down at his feet that were clad in grey socks with dinosaurs on them.

"Ollie, you can tell us anything, you know that," Ella stated gently, her hand running down arm soothingly.

"I know," he whispered. "I'm nervous."

"You don't have to be nervous with us, hun."

"Can we go to Aunt Quinn's?" He asked unsure and his two mothers looked at each other, confused on why he was so nervous to ask that.

"Of course. You didn't need to be nervous to ask that!" His eyes lit up and he yelled out an 'okay' as he ran out of the room.

"Do we appear scary or something? Are we starting to come off as those parents where their kids think you can't ask them anything or we'll bite their heads off? I really hope not!" Ella ranted as she changed to get ready for Quinn's. Kodi stood there unsure, a sad expression on her face. Ella emerged from the closet to her wife still sitting on the bed and went to near in front of her. "What's wrong?"

"You think he's getting my anxiety?" Ella tilted her head, knowing that this was one of Kodi's fears when she had kids.

"He could be..." She started slowly and took her wife's hands in her own, "but, we're here to help him through it if he is."

"You're right," Kodi sighed. "I just really hope that's not the case."

Twenty minutes later, after getting all the other kids ready, Oliver emerged from his room all dressed up, holding one of his bow ties out to his mom.

Oliver was the one kid in his family that likes to dress up. Most of his closet was filled with dress pants, slacks, button down shirts, vests, ties, and some nice shoes.

He likes to dress up for school and whenever they went out. The only time he didn't dress up was if we stayed home or went to visit family, because they would play.

So, when they went to Quinn's, he normally didn't dress up, but today, he wore some nice slacks with a button down and suspenders, he had a jacket on his arm and a bow tie in hand.

"Help?" He asked quietly. Kodi kneeled down to start on this bow tie, knowing how to do it by heart having to learn it for him when he was four after he started wanting to dress up daily.

"What's the special occasion, bud? You never dress up when we go over to Aunt Quinn's," her hands moved fluidly and made the bow tie look perfect.

"Can we get flowers on the way?" Kodi cracked a smile as she seen what was happening. Of course they always seen how Oliver followed Ava around like a lost puppy, doing everything for her. The girl had him wrapped around her little finger and she knew it.

"Of course we can. Are they for Ava?" His cheeks flushed red and he kicked at the ground.

"Maybe," he murmured, his ears turning pink as well. Kodi grinned and kissed his head.

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