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Thanksgiving, Ella's birthday, and Christmas went well. We had New Years on the beach and it couldn't be any better than this. During our stay in Portland I took Ella sightseeing, we visited places I used to always go and also tourist attractions. I got us a date on a mini night cruise around the city. She loved every moment of it. She loved the food so much she asked for some recipes so she could make it herself. I got to know Amelia better and she seems alright for Taylor. I spent a lot of time with Tay and Maggie during break as well. Ella got to bond with them and she had a wonderful time. She even helped Maggie cook on Thanksgiving and she said it was amazing. They made quite a feast that day. We then spent Christmas at my house and then went to Ella's to celebrate and eat. Who knew her whole family is so good at cooking. All their food was like heaven in my mouth. I got Ella a few things for Christmas and her birthday, since they're around the same time she told me not to go all big and get tons for each, and I respected that, but I did get her a lot. I got her some new cooking tools which she absolutely loved, a cook book, a blank book where she can put her own recipes in, and a load of new camera stuff for her photography. I also got her a promise ring, a diamond bracelet, and an infinity necklace with our names on it. There were many tears and hugs that day. The last thing I got her I think was her favorite.

She wiped below her eyes and chuckled.

"This is amazing Kodi. You didn't have to get me all this stuff, seriously. You're so amazing, holy shit." She launched herself into my arms again and I rubbed her back soothingly.

"I wanted to get you it. You deserve it all." I smiled at her and she kissed me softly.

"I feel like my gifts were crap now," she frowned. I scoffed.

"Are you kidding? You got me some custom designed guitar picks, adorable by the way. Some CD's of my favorite musicians, made me a playlist of songs that make you think of me, and a playlist with my favorite music, a hoodie I have been wanting for months, and a necklace. I loved all of them. Thank you baby." She sniffled and nodded her head as she looked at the promise ring again. I smiled at her. "I have one more gift for you though." Her head snapped up to mine and she stared at me.

"Seriously? Kodi this is all too much." I took her hands in mine.

"You deserve to be spoiled. This gift didn't cost me anything though, I promise." I handed her an envelope and she laughed at how fancy it looked. The card wrote:

This card herby grants the one, Ella Adams, a song of her choosing sung by, Kodi Cooper.
No expiration.

"No way, for real!?" She squealed and and jumped into my arms again. "Oh my god thank you thank you thank you. You seriously need to sing more. Have you had that talk with your mom? You better soon. Oh my god! I'm so excited." I giggled as she peppered my face with kisses. "Best present ever. No offense to the jewelry, I loved them as well."

"I'm glad you like it," I whispered.

"I'm going to need to think about this."

"Good thing it doesn't expire," I winked and kissed her again. She moaned as I slid my tongue against hers.  "Let's have an even merrier Christmas." I smirked as I pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her.

She hasn't cashed in the card yet, but my birthday has also passed five days ago and it was now January twenty-sixth. I was planning on having a talk with my parents today. I've been searching for an apartment for myself recently. I just feel like I need to get out of the house. I don't need to watch Kacy anymore since she is old enough herself and I don't want to be a hassle all the time with Kaleb. He's starting to be a little trouble maker and they don't need to deal with that. I feel old enough and responsible enough to have my own apartment, and I also want to talk to them about dropping out of college and trying to pursue a music career. I've been posting more and more covers lately and they've been blowing up. A good record label contacted me a few days ago and I know I can't pass this up. Ella is over right now calming my nerves. I was meeting mom and dad at Noonan's in half an hour. I was nervous.

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