Chapter 9: The Deal

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There was something different about the way people were staring at Angel Dust as he sauntered to Valentino's studio. The spider gotten used to people staring at him, he was Hell's most famous porn star, but the way they stared at him now was different, it was unsettling. He could see a few snickers from the corner of his eye, and he heard faint giggles as he walked past, but he couldn't figure out what was causing them. Then he walked by an electronics store.

The store had some TVs in the front window that were playing the news, and on the news was a video of Angel and Alastor dancing. Angel stopped and gawked in horror, as he suddenly realized why the stares had been so different. A picture flashed next to Katy Killjoy's face as she smiled a wide and creepy smile.

"And here is a picture one of our paparazzi took of Hell's most feared Overlord and it's favorite porn star making out in this dance club booth! Seems like after such a saucy dance, this unlikely couple couldn't keep it together for long!" A cold feeling passed through the pit of Angel's stomach as a thought came into his head.

Valentino wanted him to come to the studio because of something urgent. Valentino was best friends with Vox, and any enemies of Vox were an enemy of Val. That's when it struck the spider...his boss had just found out that he'd been on a date with his best buddy's worst enemy.

Angel Dust sped up his pace. He didn't want to go to Val, but there would be hell to pay if he didn't. As he began to jog, Angel could hear different questions flood into his ears from the demons on he would fly by.

"Hey slut, was the Radio Demon any good?"

"Is he as good in bed as he seems?"

"Can you hook me up with him?"

Angel Dust could hardly stand it. How could he gave Alastor after this? This would ruin the deer's reputation! Alastor would never want to speak to him again! The porn star shoved these thought into the back of his mind as he ran. He could worry about them after he talked to Val.


"What is everyone gathered in here for? Are there not any new guests?" Alastor had just walked into the hotel lobby to see Furfur, Charlie, Vaggie, Nifty, and Husk gathered around the TV. A few wandering hotel guests let their eyes rest on the TV for a moment, but then they would quickly glance at Alastor and walk away quickly.

"I didn't know you two were so...close." Vaggie spoke in astonishment as Alastor came close enough to see what was flashing across the TV screen. Everyone turned to see how Alastor would react to the picture of him and Angel on the news. The deer was silent for a moment, a closed lip smile on his face. He stayed like that for a moment before turning to the others.

"Well now you know! Angel Dust and I went on a date!" Alastor didn't speak a single sour word. His reaction clearly surprised the others, even his father. Alastor started to walk away, feeling like he'd explained enough, until Charlie said something that caused his neck to twist into a 180. The crack scared a few guests.

"How long have you two been together?" Charlie now cringed at Alastor's unnaturally turned head.

"Do you mean, how long have I been in an intimate relationship with Angel?" Charlie nodded, and then everyone let out a sigh of relief as Alastor's head spun back to its usual position.

"Never." Alastor's voice was stern, but he hoped no one noticed the crack of nervousness where his voice sounded normal. Before anyone could protest, Alastor took a step forward and disappeared in a crack of radio static.

Now safely back in his room, Alastor let his smile drop as an expression of a nervous reck replaced it. Alastor sat on his bed and picked up one of his pillows, burring his face into it as he let out a scream. He stayed with his face in the pillow, hoping it would smother him to his second death.


"Angel Cakes!" Valentino exclaimed with fake happiness as Angel entered his office. Velvet was cuddled up to Vox on the couch, "You wanna explain this shit!?" Val pointed to the giant TV on the farthest wall, which still played the sleezy paparazzi news of Angel and Alastor's date.

"I-" As soon as the spider spoke, Valentino raised a hand and struck the side of Angel's face.

"I tolerate you livin' in the same building as that crappy deer, but lettin' him hire you is-"

"He didn't hire me!" Angel suddenly shouted from where he was, heaped on the floor. He'd never talked back to Valentino, or interrupted him, ever. It was enough to make Val, Vox, and Velvet stare in shock, but Angel Dust didn't care. He didn't even care if he was struck again. There was no way he'd sir here and let Valentino degrade Alastor like that. Angel got up shakily, glaring at Val. The moth demon raised his hand again, waiting for the pornstar to at least flinch, but it never happened. Before Valentino could bring his hand down, Vox was behind the moth Overlord, holding his arm so it couldn't strike the spider.

"Hold on Val, don't you see what this means?" Vox cooed as Velvet came up to them. Valentino lowered his hand.

"What?" The Overlord sounded annoyed.

"Alastor has never let anyone touch him, none the less kiss him. Don't you see what that means Vally?" Velvet put an arms around each of her friends. The infamous Triple V of Hell stared at Angel Dust in an unsettling way. Valentino smiled as he started to catch on.

"You slut here has captured the Radio Demon's heart~" Angel didn't like the way Vox spoke, "I think that should be rewarded, don't you?"

"Angel Cakes~" Valentino placed a hand on the spider's cheek, caressing it as Angel grimaced, "I think Vox is right. You should be rewarded, so how about we make a deal?"

"A deal?" Angel hardly noticed the touch now. It wasn't like Val to make deals. He always just took what he wanted, drugs, power, Valentino never cared what he had to do as long as he got what he wanted, now he wanted to make a deal with one of his workers? Angel didn't like where this was going.

"You keep seducing Alastor for us, so we can take him out-" Val was cut off as Angel pulled away.

"Hell no! I don't give a flying fuck what you offer me, or what you'll do to me if I refuse! I will never help you hurt Alastor!" Once again, Angel's action surprised Valentino. Velvet snickered and muttered under her breath.

"Seems like old Alastor stole the whore's heart too." Val ignored this and grabbed Angel's wrist a little more forcefully.

"Listen here, faggot! I'm only gonna offer this once!" Val squeezed the spider's face with his free hand, "You help us kill the Radio Demon," Valentino leaned in and whispered into Angel's ear, "And you're debt to me is payed." Angel gasped at this, no longer feeling the pain of Val squishing his face.

"You mean-"

"That's right~" Valentino cooed, "You'll get your freedom."

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