Chapter 4: Drunk Talk

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"Still no luck with Alastor, Mr. Furfur?" Charlie asked when she noticed the deer sitting on the couch in the lobby, looking disappointed. He'd warmed up to Charlie and the hotel staff a bit since he'd started his stay at the hotel.

"Please my princess, call me Furfur." Furfur managed a little smile as Charlie took a seat next to him with Vaggie in her other side, squeezing Charlie's hand gently.

"Alright, but only if you call me Charlie." This got a laugh from Furfur.

"Alright then, Charlie. It's nice to see you too, Vaggie." Vaggie gave a curt nod. She didn't fully trust this demon, especially if he was Alastor's father.

"And to answer your question Charlie, I'm afraid I haven't made any progress with Alastor. Every time I try to talk to him, he just walks past me like I'm not there." Furfur's eyes tilted downward in sadness.

"I'm sure he'll come around soon enough." Charlie said with a comforting smile.

"Speaking of Alastor, what is he and Angel doing?" All three of their heads turned to see Alastor and Angel by the bar in what appeared to be a... disagreement.

Angel gestured to a set of two bar stools, obviously wanting Alastor to sit with him. Alastor shook his head and turned around to walk away, but the pornstar put a hand on the deer's shoulder, and mouthed something quietly. Quiet shockingly to Vaggie and Charlie, Alastor seems to sigh in defeat and sat next to the spider. Angel Dust smiled and snapped to get Husk's attention, who was in a flirtatious conversation with Nifty, who was on break.

"Interesting." Furfur said as he watched his son and the spider sip their fresh drinks and begin chatting. Never had Furfur seen Alastor get along with anyone so well, unless you counted his mother.


"See Smiles, this ain't so bad." Angel spoke with a smile as he sipped on a margarita. Alastor had a glass of whiskey with ice.

"We haven't even been here for two minutes." The Radio Demon spoke with a hint of dread in his tone, even through his smile Angel could hear it. The spider was getting better at seeing what was under the deer's smile.

"Look, I just wanted to drink and talk, nothing else. And to make it fair, whenever I ask you a question you find personal, you can ask me a question you find equally personal." This caught Alastor's interest. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he found learning more about Hell's favorite pornstar quite interesting, Alastor also found this as the perfect opportunity to find information to help with his rehabilitation. Not that he thought you could rehabilitate a demon.

"Fine. What do you wish to talk about?" Alastor swirled his drink before taking a tentative sip. He didn't drink to much at a time on the rare occasion he actually drank alcohol.

"First of all, why do that?" Angel Dust gestured to Alastor's arm, making the Radio Demon flinch.

"It keeps me from thinking about more...unpleasant things. Things I'd much rather forget." Alastor took a bigger sip from his whiskey.

"Can you give me an example?" Angel tried not to push to far, he knew if he did, Alastor would close him off, and he was so close to finding out more about the human soul the Radio Demon kept hidden.

"How my father let other people treat my mother and I, just because we weren't caucasian." Alastor's eyes dulled over as he spoke, their depressing look making Angel feel sad, "That's just one of those the things I wish to forget."

"Oh that's right, you lived in a very racist time period." Angel took a moody sip of his drink as Alastor merely nodded.

"So Angel, what got you into the cutting business?" Alastor managed to get his smile back to full capacity as his eyes met the spiders, as if the question he'd asked was an entirely normal question.

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