Chapter 8: Bring In the Friends

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Rosie was laughing so hard that her hat fell off. Alastor was sitting across from her with his arms crossed and a sour smile on his face. When Alastor decided he needed to talk to a friend about his predicament, since talking to his father would be to embarrassing, he never thought Rosie, one of his closest friends, would make him wish he'd talked to his father instead.

"Oh, I'm sorry Alastor." Rosie was still trying to calm her giggling fits as she talked, "It's impolite to laugh when you asked for my help, but you must understand that I wasn't expecting you to ask me for love advice!" Rosie let out an entirely unladylike snort of laughter as she dove back into a giggling fit, "Especially about Angel Dust!" A light hum if radio static floated around the deer's head.


"What's so God damn funny?" Angel was at Cherri Bomb's house with Cherri and Mimzy, who'd apparently spent the night. She was even wearing one if Cherri's shirts to prove it.

"You have a crush on Alastor!" Mimzy barked through her laughter. Cherri was clutching her sides as she fell out if her chair, "You of all people actually have a crush that isn't purely sexual!"

"Y-yeah, so?" Angel muttered defensively. He was regretting his decision to come here.


"Okay, I'm done." Rosie said as she wiped her watering eyes, "Now tell me what caused the spark between you and Hell's favorite porn star?" Unlike Alastor, Rosie was aromantic, which may have explained why she and Alastor got along so well.

"Well..." Alastor wasn't sure where to start, or even how to explain it without sounding stupid, "We understand each other, and seem to share similar interests, he's also an amazing dancer, he listens to me and I listen to him, and we-" Alastor stopped himself before he could say anything else, his cheeks reddening as he thought of the night he and Angel shared in his bed.

"Alastor~" Rosie cooed as she leaned it ever so slightly, "What are you not telling me~" Rosie and Alastor had been friends long enough for Rosie to tell when Alastor was holding back from her.

"It's nothing important!" Alastor's face was increasing in redness.

"Alastor dear, how do you expect me to be able to help if you don't give me all of the details?" Alastor mulled over Rosie's words for a moment, thinking of both outcomes to his predicament.

"Well," Alastor tugged at his shirt collar a little, like the room was to hot even though it was fairly cool, "Angel and I may have...shared a bed for the night." Rosie gave Alastor a look, telling him to spill the rest of the beans, "We may have also...touched... intimately." Alastor cleared his throat nervously, awaiting his friend's response.

"Alastor, are you saying that you lost your-" Alastor cut Rosie off before she could continue.

"No! I didn't say that! I said we only touched each other in intimate ways, nothing more!" Barely audible radio static had started flowing through the room as Alastor's face turned into a strawberry. Rosie was trying so hard to keep up her lady like manner as she struggled to bury the laughter building up inside her.


"Aww, you two danced together?" Mimzy cooed. She was a die hard fan of romantic things, like couples dancing.

"Yeah, in more ways than one." Angel spoke with a smirk. Mimzy merely tilted her head in confusion to the spider's words, where as Cherri chuckled in understanding.

"And now you want help why exactly?" Cherri Bomb asked as she leaned back in her seat.

"I wanna know what I should do? I don't know if it was just a one time thing, if we're still friends, or if we're more than that!" Angel spoke rapidly as he began pacing back and forth.

"Well, do you want a relationship with Alastor?" Mimzy asked as let her head rest on Cherri's shoulder.

"I mean I care for the guy, but I'm a pornstar and he's an Overlord, a very respected Overlord. If we got together, it could ruin both of our reputations, put a target on my back for whoever wants to hurt Alastor, and I don't want that, and it's not like Alastor would say yes!" Angel crossed his four arms as he continued pacing, not really paying attention to the sly looks he was receiving from the two females.

"That didn't answer her question, Angie." Cherri got his attention at the use of her pet name for him.

"What?" The spider glanced between the two, confused.

"Do you want to be in a relationship with Alastor?" Mimzy asked slower this time, making sure Angel heard every word. The pornstar stood still for a moment, really thinking about his answer.

"Yes." Angel replied, butterflies fluttered around in his stomach as he began to smile.


"Well Alastor, my old friend, I only have one solution for you that's sure to work." Rosie sat with her legs crossed, and her hands folded neatly on her top knee. The deer listened closely with intrigue.

"What is it?" Alastor was impatient now, he was so anxious to know the answer that his hands had began fiddling in his lap.

"Ask him out on an official date. Then quit dancing around your feelings and tell him. If he feels the same way then, yippee you two can go be lovey dovey." Rosie threw her hands up to emphasize her point. Alastor sat in silence for a moment, mulling over Rosie's words.

"And if he doesn't feel the same way?" Alastor met Rosie's eyes when she let out a dark chuckle.

"Let me worry about that." Rosie's eyes were filled with a deadly sheen.


"Hey Angie, why don't we blow some shit up to celebrate your first real crush?" Cherri said as she stood up an stretched out her arms. It didn't even take Angel Dust a secondary to face his friend and reply.

"Hell yes!" Mimzy rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling at them. Suddenly Angel's phone went off, signaling he'd just gotten a text. Angel pulled it out of his pocket and his grin turned into a scowl. He then typed out a reply and sent it.

"Gonna have to do it another time Cherri, Valentino needs me for something." Cherri Bomb and Mimzy both scowled as well. Neither liked Valentino very much.

"Fine, just get your ass back here when you're done with that shit lord." Angel chuckled at his friend's words as he went to the door.

"Love ya slut! Love ya too, Mimzy!"

"Bye whore!"

"See you later, Angel!"

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