Chapter 21: Anya

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Alastor walked quickly through the streets, keeping an eye on the few demon that turned in his direction, hungry looks in their eyes. Though the toddler was hidden under his jacket, Alastor knew these demons could probably sense her. Babies were the ultimate rarity in the Pride Ring, even among imps. The fact that a demon was walking through the streets with one, it was sure to turn in me unsavory eyes.

Not wanting to cause a scene, Alastor quicken his pace, but not enough to be a run. He shuffled quickly across the sidewalk on the street, aware that he was now being followed. If he could just make it to the hotel before they caught up, he wouldn't have to fight them.

Of course Alastor's luck was not that good. He ended up having to go into a dead ending alley because they had managed to cut him off from his path. It was a very inconvenient situation.

"My fine fellows," Alastor said as he turned to face his pursuers, "Is this really a road you wish to take."

"Hey mister," A demon who resembled a lizard with two tails and dressed like a biker stepped forward, "Just give us the baby, and we'll leave you alone."

Alastor internally grimaced with disgust. He could see this group of five licking their chops as they stared at the bundle the Radio Demon held. Alastor may have been a cannibal himself, but he would never eat a child! Besides, he hadn't eaten anyone since he arrived at the hotel.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. This child is my daughter, and I wouldn't be acting like a good father by giving her to you." The group let out harsh laughter that grated at the deer's ears.

"Souls can't have kids! Just give it here, old man." The lizard was wiping joyful tears out of his eyes, and didn't notice radio static surrounding him and his companions.

While the cannibals were distracted, Alastor made sure the baby's eye were covered by the jacket. He didn't want her seeing what was about to happen, even if she was already asleep. With her eyes now hidden, Alastor turned back to the cannibals, his eyes turning into radio dials as the static grew louder.

"What the hell!?" One of the other demon exclaimed, black tendrils of shadow now stretching towards them.

"Let's get out of here!" Another said, but that one suddenly found himself choking at a tendril grabbed his throat and began strangling him. Soon the others found themselves in the grasp of the shadows.

"You know," Alastor's mouth didn't move, but his voice. Could be heard in the air as yellow light flickered on his teeth, "This is a spectacular form of entertainment."


"Alastor!" Charlie yelled as the deer came walking through the lobby, "You're okay!"

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" Alastor asked as he began looking around for his favorite spider.

"Where the fuck have you been!?" Vaggie asked as she came over with her girlfriend.

"Why does it concern you?" Alastor couldn't keep the snide tone out of his voice, "I was only gone for an hour or two."

"Son, you've been gone since last night!" Furfur had been reading a book on the couch when Alastor had come in, now he stood right in front of his son, and seemed to be checking for any form of injury.

"I have?" Alastor wondered how he could have lost track of that much time. Maybe traveling through the rings took longer than he had thought.

"Yes! Now where on Earth were you!?" Furfur clasped Alastor's shoulders, making his offspring buckle a bit. The sudden movement cause the little demon under Alastor's jacket to startled awake. She began grabbing at the jacket, trying to remove it from over her head.

"Alastor..." Charlie pointed at the moving thing under the jacket, "What is that?" Furfur's hands had slipped away.

"Oh, hold on little one." Alastor took the jacket and flung it so it rested on his shoulder. The baby he held was now revealed.

"Al," Vaggie sounded concerned, "You didn't kidnap that child, did you?"

"What!?" Alastor sounded outraged, "I got this child from an orphanage!" Alastor didn't feel like elaborating that he technically did kidnap the baby, but at least the way he phrased it sounded better.

"Oh, well that's good." Charlie true to sound like everything was fine and dandy, but seeing the Radio Demon with a baby was a little surprising, and unexpected.

"Where's Angel?" The deer let out an annoyed sigh.

"Up in his room. He's been worrying about you for hours." Vaggie said as she rubbed her temples. This was enough to tell Alastor just how much his boyfriend had worried.

"Thank you." Alastor brushed passed them all and headed for the elevator. It was time Angel Dust met their daughter.


"Al!" The spider threw his arms around the deer, "You're okay!"

"Of course I am, why does everyone think I wasn't okay, I'm one if the most powerful demons down here."

"That doesn't mean I won't worry about you!" Angel Dust moved away to get a better look at his lover, "Why were you out so long anyway?"

"Spider." A little voice pipped up from Alastor's arms.

"What the..." Angel looked down to see the little imp girl in Alastor's arms.

"You said you wanted a child, so I used some of my connections, and got you one." Alastor looked down at the toddler with a gentle smile.

"You mean, you...god damnit, I don't deserve you!" Tears started stinging the spider's eyes, and laughter flew from his mouth.

"If anything my dear, I don't deserve you." Alastor held out the child to Angel Dust, who gratefully took her.

"Got a name for her?" The spider wiggled a playful finger at the imp as he cradled her to his chest flood. She giggle and grabbed at the finger.

"No, do you have any names you like?" Alastor watches in joy as Angel and their new daughter bonded almost instantly. His spider boyfriend seemed to think over names in his head before he said one.

"How does Anya sound."

"Absolutely lovely darling."

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