Chapter 22

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This chapter is gonna be a feel good cuz I believe we all could use some wholesomeness in times when it's not so positive outside 😊

"Surely this is a joke," I muttered in disbelief.

"I joke a lot, but this is not one of them," Seokjin retorted.

"Kim Seokjin. I am seeing items with triple digits in front of them," I remarked.

"It's necessities babe."

"What baby needs three-hundred sixty-five outfits?!" I snapped.

"One for each day of the year," he softly replied.

I let out an exasperated sigh and shook my head in utter bewilderment.

"Seokjin...this is too much. Our daughter is going to be a spoiled brat. I know that all you want to do is give her the best and make sure she never has to struggle for anything on her own, but I promise you, even if you give her the minimum, she will be more than fine. I want her to be stable and know that she has her parents, specifically you to fall back on, but the world is gonna eat her alive and pick her apart for being the child of someone wealthy. I don't think I could ever bear the thought of her getting picked on for that, so please, let's keep it mellow. Get what's needed and a bit more maybe, but let's not necessarily put our funds somewhere when they could be better used somewhere else. As time goes on, we'll adjust and buy more."

Seokjin nodded slowly, understanding my words. But there was a lingering hesitance.

He looked at me with wide eyes, his expression ridden with fear.

"I'm sorry baby. The last thing I want to do is put my child in that position. I promised myself that if I ever had a kid, I'd make sure that they respected those who weren't as fortunate as them and I would teach them to rely on their own skills rather than a pocket full of cash. Even though I'm not a good example of that, I promised myself I'd do that. But...when I think about that tiny little human living inside of you, I just want to give her the world and make sure she loves her daddy as much as he loves her."

I cooed at his earnest words, cupping his face in my hands.

"Baby, our little girl is going to adore you. Knowing my genes inside of her, she'll be a daddy's girl. You don't need to shower her in diamonds for her to love you. If you're yourself around her, the same goofy Jinnie that cracks stupid jokes and arrogantly talks to himself in the mirror, that's the father she'll adore," I said.

He smiled warmly, "You're perfect. Have I ever told you that? You could arguably be more perfect than me."

I laughed, "Wow, quite the compliment."

The two of us finally got out of the car, staring in awe at the large baby store. It was hard to believe that there was an entire department store created to cater to the needs of new parents with baby fever.

Honestly, we had lots of shopping to do. What Seokjin wanted was excess, but what we genuinely needed was still a large investment. I was worried that everything wouldn't fit in the car honestly, but Seokjin said he'd have them deliver some of the stuff.

The two of us had masks on so we wouldn't be recognized and could go about our shopping in peace. Seokjin slipped his hand into mine and led me into the vast store.

Even with a mask on it honestly smelled like babies. That smell of powder mixed with different nostalgic scents of toys and whatnot.

Honestly, I felt like a child. I was so excited to buy everything that I practically dragged Seokjin with me everywhere.

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