Chapter 12

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Yubin POV

Ever since that day, Seokjin had been extra nice to me. Even more than before. He always made sure to compliment me and was even more protective of me when we went out.

He also seemed to be comfortable with giving me sneaky little forehead kisses which of course turned me into a blushing mess each time.

I never knew what prompted him to do that, but I couldn't deny the tingly feeling left by his soft lips on my forehead.

"Yubin? Hello?"

I shook myself out of my daze to see Luna waving at me to get my attention.

"Oh Lulu. Sorry what were you saying?"

"I was saying that there was a group waiting to speak with you," she sighed.

"Ah right. I'll get right on it."

I quickly rushed over to the group of wealthy aristocrats wishing to speak with me on a few of the offered services.

I led them on a mini-tour of all the popular places in the hotel including the underground casino, the ballroom, and grand library.

All the while, the three of them seemed to rudely be gossiping behind me, but who was I to question their mannerisms.

I was showing them around the lovely pool area when I felt one of them place a hand on the small of my back, dangerously drifting lower.

I tried to ignore it and continued on talking about the different activities at the pool.

A shiver ran down my spine when the three of them closed in on me and all began to slyly place their hands on different parts of my body.

I wanted to vomit. These men were like sixty years old and here they were, shamefully acting like this in the middle of a hotel.

"Hey sweetheart, this isn't the fun we were talking about. We have a suite room. It's private."

One of them placed a hand on my baby bump. I felt my blood run cold and anger boil up inside of me.

Without thinking, I smacked his hand away, hard. They all recoiled their hands away, the victim giving me a nasty glare.

He snarled, "Are you crazy?! I should report you to CEO Kim and have you fired for misconduct. Do you know who I am?! I could ruin you!"

He raised a hand to slap me but a loud voice made us all freeze.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

We all whirled around to see Seokjin stomping towards us, with Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook trailing him.

Seokjin forcefully pulled me away from them.

The three men quickly bowed to the young CEOs, struggling to find the right words.

But when in doubt, put the blame on someone else right?

"CEO Kim, pardon our outburst but your employee was totally disrespecting us and forcing herself onto us. She needs to learn to have some decorum. I'd advise getting rid of her."

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but I knew better than to speak out of turn. Taehyung wouldn't accuse me without hearing me speak, but he'd call upon me when he needed some sort of testimony.

Seokjin had never looked more furious.

"That's funny, because from what I saw, you were the ones initiating the touching. We saw all of it."

The three of them went pale as their gazes shifted to the other CEOs who were casting them dirty looks.

Jimin spoke up, "It's a shame gentlemen. I was really looking forward to our deal, but I'm going to have to call it off. I don't work with people like you."

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