Chapter 36: A Father's Love Never Falters

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Hanji's POV

"You need to grow out of it." I chuckled as Levi held his second son, my first son in his arms. He held him tightly, never letting him go. "He's not gonna disappear..." My hands went towards Zane's little, chubby cheeks. He cooed softly, shuffling in his father's arms. "Zane's always here..."

Levi scoffed, holding Zane closer to his chest. "Come on, I can't be loving towards Zane while the two older ones are at school? I wanna be close to Zane..."

"To be fair- you weren't like this towards Raven when she was born- even though she was your first daughter. But you're this attached to Zane- your second son." I chuckled more, slipping onto the couch next to him. "Lemme hold him..."

"5 more minutes."

"You had him over an hour." My eyes quickly darted to see Raven waking up from her little corner in the living room. She cooed a bit, attempting to crawl across the way. "Now... now I gotta handle for the toddler." 

Playfully, my eyes rolled a bit as I walked over to Raven. She cooed softly as I picked her up, but Levi just chuckled at me. His eyes were twinkling- one of the most beautiful things I could see... "Now, I get more time with Zane."

"Grow up, Levi." I scoffed softly, taking Raven to the center of the room. I put her in the the center of her little fortress of pillows. It was Iris' idea to make a fortress of pillows for Raven as her little play pen. I handed Raven her little teething gel toy, and she started to bite on it. "I just want to spend time with my first, biological son, Levi... is that hard to ask?"

Levi moved off of the couch, sliding in in front of Raven's little fortress. "Kind of... I don't want to let him go."

"Jeez, were you like this with Eren or something?" Once it came out of my mouth... I regretted what I said. Of course he was like this with Eren. "Sorry... that was uncalled for."

He then kisses my lips, carefully transferring Zane from his arms to mine. "You do have a point... fine... here." Levi says it softly, kissing Zane's forehead. "It's... it's been a long time... Zane acts just like Eren when he was a baby..."

"Only difference is that Zane has black hair and brown eyes."

"Raven's the only one with my eyes, Hanji. It's just... rare..."

Cradling Zane in my arms, I smiled softly. "Well... I know I'm rounding near the age of where I shouldn't have kids... but... I'm willing to try for one last kid."

Levi gently tapped on my shoulder, shaking his head. "Hanji- 5 kids total. Are you really willing to have a 5th kid? Are you really... really sure? I don't want to do it if you're not up to it..."

"Um... have you met I, Hanji Mariana Zoe Ackerman, Levi Kevin Ackerman?" A smirk crept on my  face as I continued on my rant. "It should be no secret that I always wanted a big family... so that means more kids. And before you say it- I did get accepted as a teacher in that big university about half an hour."

"When were you going to tell me?"

"At dinner..." I chuckled, cradling Zane. "Once this little one turns 7 months... I'll start my job there."

Levi began to nuzzle his head into my neck, groaning softly. "Is that when you'll also be pregnant with your 5th kid, as you wanted? If that's so... I don't want you working just yet..."

"I am not a free-loader, Levi. I don't want to have the 5th kid if I'm not working. You worked hard to get in your current place at work... I don't want to be that kind of person... you need to know that... okay?"

"Hanji... I already know that... and that's why I love you..."

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