Chapter 5: Little Jobs

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Levi's POV

Going back to work the next day, my mind was fully on the problem that Hanji had. As I promised, I investigated through everything on her case. Seeing the overall problem... I could see numerous holes that doesn't seem correct. They tried to favor away from Hanji and into her ex. That was suspicious at best.

I shook my head, not trying to accept this. How could this be...? These weren't correct. Whatever happened in this process... I could tell this wasn't with full intention of doing the right thing. Everything was to at least give her ex some sort of power over their child. No mercy was put upon Hanji. Even states here that someone apparently called to report Hanji, but no evidence was there. Her ex really wanted to get rid of her.

With a heavy sigh, I got up from my seat and tried to walk over to Farlan's desk for some insight on it. More like if I should investigate it myself and participate in it or have someone else do it for me. Just as I was walking up, I saw Mikasa grabbing at my legs.

"What is it?" I asked, looking down at her.

Her eyes were somewhat pleading... "Where's Eren?"

"He's being watched by someone. Why do you ask?"

She shrugged her tiny shoulders, walking back to the little toys for all the kids. "He's usually here to play with me... but he wasn't..."

I knelt next to her, smiling a bit. "Maybe I can ask if he wants to play with you again. He's made a friend a few days ago... maybe with his friends' mom, I can have the two of them here to play with you. How have you been, Mikasa?"

"I miss playing with Eren..."

"I understand. Don't worry, okay? I'll see what I can do. Right now, I gotta do my job, okay?"

Mikasa nodded her head, picking up a doll and started to play by herself. I sighed a bit, making a quick mental note to ask Hanji about having her daughter play here a bit while she tries to find a job. Not that I dislike this idea... Mikasa's always been alone unless we found another kid that needed to be taken away immediately.

I went on forward, walking over to Farlan. He looks up, chuckling a bit and leaning in his chair. "What is it this time, Levi?"

"I know we're not supposed to be involved with some of these cases... but... I've met an acquaintance and she told me about the problems she had with her ex and her custody battle. Do you need the details of it?"

"Please do."

*   *   *


Farlan sighed, shaking his head. "I understand... but I don't see any problems with you working with it. Just ensure I'm included in your investigation. I'm just asking you don't involve yourself in it too much. Don't work by yourself- ensure that I know what you're doing. Knowing you might be close to this case... I need to ensure that the others would know that you wouldn't tamper with the case."

"Like I would. That's why I've trusted this much."


"I listened towards her story... and her daughter's next meet-up with her father would be in a month. Is it okay if we asked her to collect evidence of things going on in the household? Or even having a surprise visit works? What's the good way to get the evidence than to get her hurt?"

Farlan, once more, sighed heavily. "Well... there's no other way. As long as she's willing to do it... it's the best shot..."

"I think she's more than willing. From what I heard from Eren, her father's not great."

"Then do it. Do what you will and what you're legally allowed to do. What you're doing is a great thing. Just remember- include me in it. Every little thing."

I scoffed, shaking my head. I know it's in the best interest, but I like joking around. Especially when I'm being pushed aside like this. "Well sorry, boss," I say in a very sarcastic tone as I walked out, "I didn't know I was being bossed around like I was a puppy."

Farlan seemed to have caught on my humor and chuckled a bit. He also decided to play around with me. "Aww... have I hurt the little puppy's feelings?"

"Shut up."

"Does a little doggy need a treat?" 

"I hate you." I say as a last word to Farlan as I parted away from him. "I seriously hate you." But what can I say? Doing a job that deals with idiotic people... you're bound to get misery. Having a bit of humor and playing around with your co-workers are always welcomed to enlighten us.

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