Chapter 23: Little One, Little One...

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Hanji's POV

"So what did the kids say the baby might be, Levi?"

He chuckled, leading me into the car from the obstetrician's office. Already, a few months passed and the bump was already growing. When the kids noticed the bump growing slightly -they noticed because they constantly lean their heads near my bump and they notice it rising slowly. Not to mention... there was a no-loss bet between the kids. The kids guessed on what the gender of the baby might be- if they get it right, Levi would give them $5 for them winning the bet.

"Well? You were the one who got them to do the bet."

"As you expected it- Eren wants to have a little brother and Iris wants to have a little sister."

He opens the passenger door, letting me inside. "Ah... not that surprising then."

Levi chuckles once more, transferring from one side to the other side of the car. "Yeah, not that surprising. Though... either way, I'm giving $5 to one of them. Glad to know technically not expecting twins."

"Awe... but still... twins would be such a good idea. Satisfies both sides."

Rapidly, Levi rejected the idea of twins. "Hanji, no. Let's not think of twins. Iris and Eren already act like they are twins. Yes, they are somewhat the same age- but wasn't born to the same parents. But still... they act like twins. If we do get twins- I feel like I'm not gonna survive in the house."

I chuckled softly, kissing his cheek. "Aw... but... they are adorable, aren't they?"

"Still not convincing me of wanting twins. I'll go insane."

"Thankfully I'm already insane..."

He rolls his eyes, pointing to my seat-belt. That was something he was always cautious about. The car would not be on until my seat-belt was on. There was nothing to object about it. I accepted it.

"Hanji, sometimes I wish you were somewhat sane then being insane."

I chuckled softly, buckling myself into the car. "Oh... but that is what makes me me. I'm just an insane woman and you accepted me like that way."

Once more, he rolled his eyes and started the car. "I guess that's my fault."

"That's your best sarcastic remark?"

Levi kept his mouth shut, probably stewing in his own little bowl that he calls his mind. We began to drive off, stopping at Levi's workplace. After all- he took his own work time to take me to the doctor's instead of having someone else drive me here. Plus, Eren and Iris were constantly telling me that they were okay being at the office with Farlan and Isabel. Levi trusted them that much. It'll be fine.

*   *   *

The second we appeared, the kids were too busy eating pizza for lunch. One gaze up at us, they began to squeal with happiness and ran over with their hands greasy from the pizza. They cried with happiness, avoiding giving us a proper hug as their hands were still greasy.

Although, I knelt down, wrapping my arms around their small bodies. "Hey guys- enjoying lunch, aren't ya?"

They nodded their heads trying to push me towards the pizzas. I wrinkled my nose, trying not to react to the smell. "Uh huh, Mommy!" Eren says gleefully, "Let's go and eat pizza!"

Levi stopped them, chuckling a bit. "She already ate something. How about you guys let her take a nap for now and I'll eat with you guys. Is that a fair deal?"

"T-That's fine..." Eren says with somewhat of a depressing tone. "I still wanted Mommy to come and eat pizza with us... we wanted to share the dessert pizza- but Mr. Farlan told us that we're not allowed to have any until you or Mommy to come back and eat. We were very, very well behaved!"

"I have no doubt about that, Eren." Levi chuckles, slightly ruffling his son's hair. "You are a good boy."

Eren smiles, giggling softly. "Uh huh!"

"But... I think it's a good idea that Hanji gets some dessert pizza. I think that's fine. It's the cookie one, isn't it? With chocolate chips in it and some chocolate drizzled on it?"


Levi turned to me, trying to hide his smug chuckle. Thankfully his heart was pure, and his strange facade fell through. "Alright- do you want to sit in my office and I'll grab you some of that pizza? I'm sure that there's no garlic there."

I smiled sweetly, nodding my head. "Sounds nice."

"Aw... but I wanna give her the pizza!"

Eren's cries filled the air- as well as Iris. Basically defending her brother. They didn't even act like step-siblings. They were just... like blood siblings. Best of friends. As they were clearly running around, trying to find a paper plate for me... I chuckled and smiled softly. My hands slowly caressed my stomach- knowing their half sibling would arrive soon. Would it be safe calling them half siblings when really... they're being treated like blood siblings?

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