Chapter 12: Trouble with the Troublemakers

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Levi's POV

"Daddy! Look!" I chuckled softly as Eren ran with Iris to the decorative window. They giggled, nearly fogging up the glass with their breaths. Hanji's birthday was right around the corner, and since she's dealing with a lot of pregnancy stuff... she wanted to stay home. "Do you think Miss Hanji might like that?"

"What? The candy there?" I chuckled softly, peering into the window as well. "Do you think that your mom would like that, Iris?"

She nods her head vigorously, "Uh huh! Mommy loves sweet things!"

"Is that so? How about we go and get her some candy- and you guys get some too." They all cheered, running themselves into the store. I chuckled too much, feeling completely different. "Hold on, hold on. Don't get too excited."

The burning smell of sugar was overwhelming. Even I could taste it on my tongue without even actually tasting sugar. The kids had quickly ran over to chocolates, chatting about what chocolates were their favorites and why. They had a few arguments, but immediately made up because they were understanding. 

"Hey Iris," I asked, tapping her shoulder and slightly bending a bit, "what kind of candy does your mommy like?"

"She likes caramel chocolate. Always loved it when... my daddy gave it to her... though he never gave it to her all the time." Iris hung her head a bit, crossing her arms. Once I realized that, I clenched my fist in anger. I wish there was some sort of method to not get her to mention about her real father... "Anyways, I think Mommy would really, really love it if you bought her caramel chocolate!"

I smiled softly, taking note of that. "Okay then. What about you? What kind of candy do you like?"


"See, Daddy?! Iris likes it too!"

I chuckled a bit, looking at the wall of chocolate. "Those chocolates are quite big... too big for just one of you guys. I'll buy you one only if you will share the chocolate together. Understand? No arguing over the chocolate."

The two troublemakers nodded their heads in unison, giggling a bit. "Okay!"

Taking the most basic chocolate bar, I took it down so they can hold it. Their eyes went wide when they examined the chocolate bar. While their beady eyes were on the chocolate bar, I went to buy a box of chocolates- it has caramel in it anyways. I tapped their shoulders, and they instantly ran off to the counter.

I chuckled softly, getting my card out to pay.

"Looks like some kids would be hyper later on." The cashier says with a soft chuckle. "Twins must be difficult to manage, huh?"

I hand her my card, chuckling a bit. "One of them is my biological kid. The other one... not exactly related to me... but would soon."


I nodded my head, chuckling a bit as I put my hand on both of their shoulders, trying to stop them from running out. "These two are expecting a half-sibling soon. So yeah, should be quite interesting to see that happen."

The cashier chuckles more, pushing a few buttons before swiping my card. "I wish you luck with it then. Got a few kids of my own- hyper almost all the time. Having a baby again would spark some sort of... I guess feeling that would make you wish they were older."

"I know that feeling well... but either way... it'll be nice to raise a baby again."

Soon enough, everything got paid and I was on my way out. "Good luck with your newborn."

"Thank you- and good luck with your kids."

I didn't allow the kids to eat the chocolate until they had their lunch first. We went to a nearby burger place, and I had them get the kids' meal. We were at least half-way through our meal when Eren asked a question.

"Daddy, do you know that lady?"

I shook my head, taking a sip of my soda. "No, I don't know her. Why do you ask?"

"Because you were talking about us... weren't you?"

Softly, I chuckled and I ran my fingers through Eren's hair. He somewhat didn't like it... but he always giggled when I did that. "Yeah, but she was complimenting you two. She thought as you two as twins. Twins... weird, huh?"

Iris tugged on my arm, giving me a curious look. "You said... that I wasn't... biologically yours... what does that mean?"

"It means... I'm not your real dad... but... I want to be your dad. After all, you two are gonna be big brother and big sister soon. Do you mind if I do become your new dad?"

"N-New dad..."

Eren went over to her, hugging her tightly. "S-She can be my sister?! Yay!"

Iris looked between Eren and me, smiling softly. "O-Okay... but does that mean that my mommy will become Eren's new mommy?"

"Well... only if Eren says-"

"Yes! I want Miss Hanji as my mommy! She's, she's, she's really, really nice! Daddy, I want Miss Hanji as my mommy and Iris as my sister! Please, please, please?!"

I chuckled softly, seeing how happy they all grew. "We'll see... we'll see. But first... let's finish up our shopping here. Remember- keep everything a secret. Hanji's birthday's coming up soon- so remember: surprise birthday morning."


Thus... our plan was complete.

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