Chapter 7: Forgotten Feeling

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Levi's POV

As Hanji was giving the children their soda, I excused myself to the balcony. The nice, cold breeze felt nice on my face. I just needed to take a breath of fresh air. Overlooking the small city, it just made me feel like this was powerful being. In the three years I had Eren... I've never talked about my life like that. Everyone just understood and kept quiet. 

It wasn't long until someone joined me on the balcony. "Levi..."

I sighed heavily, looking down at the ground from this height. "Sorry... I just... needed a breath of fresh air. Needed a break from... what happened in there."

Hanji nodded her head, putting her hand on my shoulder. "If you need someone to blame, blame me. After all... I... I did bring up Eren's mother. Really... I didn't know about her..."

"Don't apologize, Hanji. Sooner or later, I was going to tell about it anyways. Again... I've never openly spoke about it before... so this kinda took a quick turn. Not many ask about Eren's mother... so I wasn't prepared for it. Again... don't apologize."

She rubs her elbow, sighing a bit. "Then what about the kiss?"

"The kiss..." I buried my head in my palms, trying to forget about that. "Sorry... just... forget about that... please?"

Hanji chuckles softly, handing me a small cup of ice cream and soda. "Want a float? The kids are enjoying a soda float- keeps them busy. I think Eren's especially thrilled to have ice cream and soda combined in one. And of course, I can't spoil Eren. I also need to treat his father to an ice cream float."

I chuckled as well, taking the ice cream float. "Thanks. And... let's not talk about the-" I was cut off with her advancement of the kiss. She steps back a bit, chuckling a bit. 

"We're even now. Don't mention it any more. Come on, let's go and get back to the kids before they think something's up. Though I doubt they would think of anything."

Again, I chuckled, walking inside the apartment. "Okay then. Though... we might need to talk about that kiss, Hanji. That one was very uncalled for. Even? What do you mean by that, Hanji?" I say softly, brushing against her playfully as we walked inside. 

She tried to hide her face, but she laughs softly. "C-Come on..."

"I'll definitely ask you later on-"

"Daddy?" I stopped talking and turned my head to Eren. He was halfway done with his ice cream float when he slowly walked over to me. He seemed sleepy, just seeing him rub his eyes and yawning. "C-Can you- yawns play with me...?"

I turned to Hanji, chuckling a bit. "Mind if I give him a bath?"

"Go ahead."

I put the ice cream float on the table and then proceeded to pick Eren up from the ground. He grunts a bit, but he gently laid his head on my shoulder. Just as I was rummaging through my bag for Eren's pajamas, I overheard Hanji going through the same thing with Iris. Iris was wanting to play, but she, of course, yawned.

"You can give Iris a bath first-"

Hanji waved it off, chuckling a bit. "No no. You're guests here. It's alright."

I nodded my head, proceeding to give Eren a bath.

*   *   *

After both the kids were bathed and dressed in their night clothes, I just chuckled softly as I saw them being curled up in Iris' bed. Eren held Iris in a caring matter- almost like he was protecting her. Iris also held Eren, kinda like she wanted to return the protective favor. Their stuffed animals were next to them, but it seems that their protectors of the night were each other. 

I slowly closed the door, not having it fully closed.

"They're adorable like that." I chuckled softly, slumping on the couch. Hanji was cleaning up the kitchen during this whole thing. "Almost like they were siblings. I guess I can't tease them too much if they manage to have a crush on each other."

Hanji came over to me, tapping my shoulder. "You can go and shower first. Again, you're a guest here."

I sighed heavily, nodding my head and rummaging through my bag again. "You're quite demanding and stern, Hanji. You're a good mother, you know?"

She chuckles a bit, brushing it off with a wave of her hand. "I guess it's good that Iris has me as her mother then. And I'm just glad that she's not with her father right now. With that in mind... thank you again-"

"With however you're treating me, it's alright." I chuckled, walking to the bathroom with my change of clothes. "You don't need to keep thanking me for that. I'm just glad to be of server for you. And actually helping out the corrupted system your ex might've been involved with. Your case is intriguing at the most."

*   *   *

Showering gave me more personal time to myself. My head was slumped over as I thought again of what just happened. After we exchanged our tales of sorrow... I pecked a kiss on her cheek. Then... she came back to give me a kiss- but not on my cheek. More on my lips. Just thinking of it made my heart pound. This feeling that I've been feeling... it feels so close... so close to how I've felt with Petra. 

I closed my eyes, sighing heavily and finishing up with my shower. I can't be thinking about that. It needs to leave my mind. Why? I was involved with her case now. If I do anything with her... it might get her case thrown out. No... Farlan's also taking charge of the case. I would merely be kicked out, yet Farlan can handle it. 

But this feeling...

I tried to forget about it. Forget about dating others. Eren and my job were the first goals in my mind. I had to protect the children... and I had to be a true father to Eren. My mind was straying far from dating. 

Hanji and I...

We share both tragic stories. I lost Petra during childbirth... and Hanji was cheated on. How could it be that the people with others with the same? How is it possible that I could be falling for her? This forgotten feeling... why must you come back and haunt me past the grave?

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