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When They entered the room Yeon-hwa ran to hug his elder son. She cried and cried murmuring sorrys and all.

They all sat in their living room. All the hyungs wanted to go but Yeon-hwa told them to stay. Chanyeol and Luhan is also there.

"Mom I need to talk to you" Kook said


"I can't marry Chanyeol hyung. I won't marry anyone or have relationship. I'll just live here with you. If you don't want me then I'll leave this house but I can't marry Chan hyung. I'm sorry hyung" he said calmly holding his tears back.

"Ok. Do you want to marry the person you love?" she asked

"No" he said firmly

"Ok. Guys I want to share a story with you. Tae come sit beside mama. Mama missed you"

"Mom" Tae whined then sit beside her leaning his head on her shoulder hugging. He simply murmured a sorry which she replied by caressing his cheek.

Kook eyed them slightly jealous and all but its ok. He got what he wanted and without a war.

"So I wanted to share my two-" she looked at her fiance and he nodded "our two best friends story. And what happened to them"

"Han-suk, I Yeon-hwa, Sehun and Baekhyun. When we met each other in our elementary school we became friends- no Best friends like we were meant to be one. We did everything together. I was the only girl of that circle but never did I feel left out."

"Where are Sehun and Baekhyun uncle Mom? We never saw him. If your relationship was that strong why didn't you mention them ever? " Tae interrupted earning many humms from the other audiences

"Somewhere out there in a Better place. I'm getting into that. Listen"


"In middle school Han-suk confessed to me and I liked him too. Hunie and Baek was so happy. I clearly remember that day. Then we started dating"

"Oh my god auntie you're dating uncle Han for that long?" Jimin gasped

"Yes." She smiled at her fiance who gave her a fond smile.

Jungkook was silent but then he spoke up "Wait then what about my father? You didn't love him? You were doing two times all these -"

"Jungkook! - " Han-suk shouted but stopped by Yeon-hwa

"Yes. I loved him. I loved him so much. That's why you're here" she said earning a sigh from Han-suk

"Kook please don't ask just listen please" Tae plead to the younger

"We all moved out of our houses after eighteen. We bought a house which had four apartment. We bought one each. It was two storied. Me and Han bought the 2nd floors because those two wanted to live closer to the pool."

"wow that must be fun living with friends" Hoesok beamed and she smiled fondly

"Yes it was. We were happy until Baek's father died. He broke. We were there for him every time but Sehun, he literally carried Baek everywhere, feed him, sleep with him and thus they fall in love. They were inseparable and loved each other but never was that physical like nonchalant but after Baek's father death when they were literally became twin and there things got physical"

"Is this necessary to share someone's personal life like this?" kook asked

"Kook please" tae said then Yeon-hwa continued

"That time being gay was Oh my god I can't explain that  was beyond forbidden that time. And we four never hated them but that was still weird. But Hunie and Baek they weren't gay. I hate calling them gay. They just fall for each other. They were just two person in love. I and Han we both saw them from childhood." she sighed a tear escape from her left eye.

" After 3 years of their being together when Baek turned 22 his mom called one day. And that day was the worst day in their life till. Those two were crying mess. We cried too. We wanted to do something for them but that didn't happen because of Baek. Baek loved his father too much to decline his will to marry his friends daughter Nari. He left his love his life for the sake of his dead fathers promise. "

Everyone in the room was crying. It really was a worst scenario. She wiped her face and continued.

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