Chap. 84: Don't Tell Lauren!

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(Picture of Chole above playing tea party)
*Katie's POV*

Last nightwhen I went to scowl her and try to tell her what she saw, she asked me if we were playing a game. I was honestly terrified and blurted out yes. And that only Mama's and Papa's can play this game, NOT CHILDREN! She told me that she thought someone was hurting me and she couldn't find Chris anywhere so she had to go investigate. I wasn't so mad then, but I'm still upset. Chris is too.
After morning after that embarrassing and awkward interruption, I made Chloe get up early and practice on her ABC's and her basic math. She hates to do work. Andrew and Loni came over because Loni had big news.


         My eyes stare at the wild berry mini muffins I made for the little tea party. Finally, after five years of jiggly belly fat and heavy weight, I am now a size 4 to 5. The skinniest I have EVER been in my entire life. But now I have to watch what I eat to keep this body.
Andrew raises his teacup to Chloe's, the tiny cups clink. She giggles as we all clink our teacups and lift our pinky's, sipping on the sweet tea I made.
           "Mmmm!" Chole smiles at me, putting her teacup on her mini plate. "It's good, Mama!"
            I reach across the miniature table, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. She grins up at me. That grin. The same grin that I see on my husbands face everyday.
           "So, I have a question..." I arch my brow at Andrew, "who is your favorite Princess, Chloe?"
           Chloe taps her chin in thought, humming. She's so adorable. She looks so much like me, but a more beautiful me. Chloe shares the shape of Chris's mouth, ears, and the shape of his eyes. She giggles, leaning forward.
           "Rapunzel." Chole giggles to Andrew, "I wish I had long hair like her."
            Andrew nods. "Oh."
           "Whats your favorite princess, Mama?" Chole sips on her tea, slurping.
           I think for a moment, already knowing my answer. It's the only Disney Princess I can relate to.
           "Cinderella." I think about my answer more deeply, knowing she doesn't understand...yet. "We both just wanted a night off and ended up landing the handsome Prince."
           Chloe doesn't answer, and neither does Andrew or Loni. We all just sip tea and nibble on mixed berry muffins awkwardly. I know Chloe has more questions about last night, what child wouldn't. She thought I was in danger and couldn't find Chris, scared out of her wits.
           Chole stares down at her sparkly pink dress, not meeting anyone's eyes. The same dress Loni paid for, even though she thinks it was a disgusting and misleading gift to give a little girl. I mean, SHE'S FIVE YEARS OLD LONI! ITS JUST A DRESS!
            "Mama?" Chloe says with her soft voice, like mine.
            "Yes, mi amor?" I say as I sip my tea.
           "Was Papa hurting you?" Chloe says in a soft voice, giving me a 'Confused Katie Face' as Chris calls it. "You were crying."
Andrew and Loni give me confused looks. I didn't tell them. Great way to break the news, Chloe!
"No, I told you." I say to Chloe in an authoritative voice, "Papa we're playing a game that only adults can play."
           "What is it called?" Chloe asks innocently.
Loni and Andrew give me a knowing look, both smirking smugly. Little sh*ts. I clear my throat.
"Chloe, eat your muffin that I spent time making." I say firmly, annoyed by all the questions that I can't answer yet.
"But—" Chloe starts.
"We'll explain it to you when you're older, Princess." Loni says as she eats her fifth mini muffin.
Something is off with Loni. She's been quiet, which is very unusual for her. Usually she's downing my parenting skills by influencing my daughter to be girly or she's making inappropriate comments that forces me to cover Chloe's ears. Loni hasn't been around much either. Chris thinks she's partying with Ian and his friends, but that is not part of her character. Loni isn't a wild child who goes out and gets drunk at a party....she gets drunk at bars and gets into fist fights that get her kicked out.
Chloe grabs a muffin and peels the plastic off. I try to scrape the crayon marks on the table with my fingernail. I start—OH MY GOD! Chloe is shoving the entire mini muffin, which is still too big for her, in her small mouth. Gosh! She is cramping it in there. Andrew burst out laughing, slamming his hand down onto the table. Loni freaks out like I am, her eyes snd mouth wide with shock.
        "Chloe Ann Eaton! Smaller bites, chica! I-i-i-i!" I shout worriedly, "You're going to choke!"
            Chloe begins to cry, spitting her muffin out on her plate. "I couldn't eat it all."
            Andrew chuckles. "That's why you take small bites."   
            "You do it, and so does Tía Loni and Grandpapa." Chloe says softly, innocent. "And Mama!"
            Well, damn. Ratted out by my own kid. I can hear Chris's laughter at her words, even though he's on his way home from work. Or maybe it's Andrew. I roll my eyes in annoyance.
            "Well, that was VERY rude!" I correct her.
"You could have choked." Loni says firmly.
              "Okay." Chloe says softly.
              "So," Andrew says, quickly changing the subject "what do you want to be when you grow up? A Princess?"
             Chloe gives him a look. "I AM a Princess, Tío Andrew!"
               "Oh, okay!" Andrew chuckles, "Then what else do you want to be? Do you want to be a chef? A singer? A dancer?"
            "No, someone's boss." My mouth drops, oh my damn. "Like Papa."
           "Well, okay, Boss." I chuckle.
Suddenly, the front door slams shut. Chris. My heart aches, I've really missed him all day. I've been fantasizing about what would have happened last night if Chloe hadn't interrupted us. Oh, it would have been amazing!
I stand and hurriedly walk to the front door. Copper runs past me from the living room. When I get to the threshold, there Chris stands. He scratches Copper's ears and neck.
"Welcome home, mi amor." I lean against the doorframe of the threshold hallway.
Chris looks up, a brow arching. He lets go of Copper and makes his way towards me. I bite my lower lip as I'm swept up in his arms, his lips firm against mine. My back is pressed onto the doorframe, his hands feeling the curves of my hips and bottom.
Chris puts his lips to my ear, not really being quiet. "Is Chloe down for her nap? Papa is hungry for a snack—"
Someone's throat clears, causing Chris to tense up. We turn to see Loni and Andrew standing there, Chloe in Andrew's arms. Chris's siblings both have smug looks on their faces. Chris kisses my cheek and pulls me tight to his chest, his delicious cologne filling my nostrils. I could drown in his scent.
"Hey, can one of you watch Chloe tonight? Katie and I need some—"Chris looks to Chloe, "alone time."
"Like I don't have a life?" Andrew says firmly, then frowning "Because I don't."
"Can we talk now?" Loni says urgently.
I chuckle. "Chloe, can you clean up your room? I'll be in there in a minute for the muffins and cups."
Andrew sets Chloe down and she rushes to her room. I don't even have to look at Chris, he is hurt. Chloe hasn't hugged him or smiled at him since last night. She still thinks Chris was hurting me last night because I had tears streaking down my face and he had me pinned down to the bed. Honestly, if I saw I'm that with child eyes, I would be horrified too.
Loni turns us, smirking nastily. " 'Papa is hungry for a snack'? Are you serious?"
"Last night I told Chris that he was a snack during sex and it's gone straight to head." I roll my eyes, "Typical men."
"Hey!" Both Chris And Andrew say in unison.
The adults head to the kitchen. Chris's hand squeezes my bottom, smirking mischievously. I squeeze his small butt, making him jump. Chris leans down, kissing my cheek tenderly.
"I can't wait until you're all mine tonight." Chris whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear. "I'm gonna make you pay for teasing me last night."
Chills run up and down my arms. It's so sexy that he tries. I would have thought our sex life would have ended when Chloe was born, but nope. We just get interrupted BY Chloe.
Andrew and Loni sits down at the kitchen dining area behind the breakfast nook. Chris goes and changes out of his suit and puts on sweats. Ah, my other half who does the same thing I do. I make the three of them a cup of coffee and me a lemonade. I have always hated coffee and I refuse to drink something that taste like dirt. No matter how many creams or sugars you put in it. Milk won't even cut it for me.
When we are all seated in the kitchen dining area, Loni takes a deep breath on and out. She doesn't meet our eyes.
"Before I explain why I asked for you to meet me, I need to ask you guys a favor." We all wait, "You can't tell Mom or Dad what I'm about to tell you. You have to promise."
"Are you dying?" Chris says annoyed, taking a sip of his creamed coffee.
"Promise!" Loni shouts, tears filling the corner of her eyes.
We all nod to her. She wipes her eye and sniffs, stirring her sugared coffee. OH NO! I think I know what it is!
"A few months ago, I was at this bar half across the state with this guy I was hooking up with. He was passed out drunk at the bar." Oh, this cannot be good. "I met this other guy who was so gorgeously handsome—"
Oh no, I'm right! "And anyways, we were half drunk and hooked up in the women's bathroom with one of his even more gorgeous buddies."
"And?" Andrew says protectively, "Is he harassing you now?"
"No—" Loni covers her face, crying. "I'm p-pregnant."
Nope, I was wrong. I honestly thought she was going to say she had an STD. But HOLY CRAPORITO! Loni is pregnant!
"And I don't know who the father is!" Loni adds, bawling. "I don't know if it was alcoholic Corbin or the hot, dark haired guy or his friend with the huge snake tattoo that wrapped around his entire body!"
I put my hand on hers, hoping to give her comfort. Knowing I can't. I look to Chris and Andrew, who stare at her with wide eyes and tight lips. It looks could kill, Loni would be on the floor.
"You're going to be a mother!" I try to brighten the situation, though I can't. "I'm so happy for you."
The three Eaton siblings glare at me, making me take a step back. "What? I'm just trying to help."
"Well, don't." Chris says annoyed, "Loni, are you sure you're pregnant?"
"I took four pregnancy test and they were all positive." Loni sniffs, "I have all the signs. I eat five meals a day, plus two snacks. I've went from an A cup to a C cup."
"Funny, in the fourth grade, I went from a flat chest to a D." I say, receiving eye rolls. "Sorry."
"God, what am I going to do?" Loni cries, covering her mouth.
"Well, whatever you do," I say slowly "don't tell Lauren!"

Hey readers! So I told @MagnificentGirl that I was going to end this story. BUT I got a bit ahead of myself. I am running out of ideas for this story, which usually means the story has taken its course or I need to write something drastically crazy. I'm going to write ALL my ideas and scenarios that I have left for this story. It will be a while before I ACTUALLY end the story, but I will make sure it goes out the way it was supposed to. I think I have an idea for how I want to end it. I think? 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️
           Usually when I write a story, I already have the ending in my head, I know how the novel or series is going to end. But for this story, I didn't. I started from the beginning and worked my way up. It's hard for me to end this story because it means so much to me.
            Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and give it a like. Have a wonderful rest of your day! You are all thought of and blessed ❤️ 🙏🏼

In Your ArmsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora