Chap. 52: Go To Sleep!

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(Picture of Chris Evans meme Above)
*Katie's POV*

Halee has ate a peanut snack and started to have a BAD allergic reaction. Her face and neck swelled up so bad that Adora was screaming over the phone for an ambulance while Kayla calmly searched for Halee's peanut allergy medication. All but Whiteney and Kayla was freaking out. I was scared that my friend was going to die.
         After Halee was sent to the hospital with Kayla (Kayla being a nurse there), I called Chris. It took 45 minutes to an hour for him to answer back. But he had answered in that sexy tired voice that made his voice deeper. He had been sleeping and didn't hear the phone until Copper started barking. After I told Chris what happened, he hung up the phone. I didn't even have to beg for him to come get me. I thought maybe Chris was mad that I called at such a late hour or that he didn't want to hear anymore since I've been ignoring his texts and calls all evening. I had started to walk back to my apartment, terrified out of my mind considering it's 2 a.m. and I kept seeing shadows everywhere. I was so scared. But then Chris called again and asked me where I was. I told him that I was lost and that I was on Thomas St.
           So after 20 minutes of fear and paranoia of being kidnapped or worst, Chris pulled up and I hurriedly got in. He didn't mouth at me or act angry in anyway. He kissed the top of my hand sweetly, resting it on his cheek. He turned some music on and drove us home. I think Chris felt better now that he had me with him.


        Chris softly holds my hand as we enter the dark house, the sound of Copper's nails clicking against the hardwood floor.
I walk on my tippy toes to the bedroom, my jammies baggy on my hips. Chris groans loudly and rubs his eyes, his other hand that holds my hand pulls me closer by the waist.
"I'm tired, Princess." Chris scratches the back of his head, "Lets go to bed."
I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my head into his chest. He kisses the top of my head as we walk to his bedroom.
I slip my converse off and put them in the bathroom. Copper lays down on the rug, panning as he watching me slip my jammies off in the bathroom. When I go into the bedroom, Chris is already naked and is climbing into bed. He softly smiles when he sees my body, pulling back the covers for me. I climb in, bouncing the queen sized bed, and fitting perfectly in the space between the bed and Chris's chest. He tucks me in and turns off the light, leaving me cold for a few seconds. I pout until he comes back. He kisses my cheek tenderly before wrapping his arms around my body.
"Thank you for coming and getting me." I whisper softly, "I know you didn't have to."
Chris groans as he shifts, his arms wrapping tighter around me. "Mmmmhhhmm."
I peck his chest, making him physically shiver. His hand lightly slides down my back and stops right at my butt-crack. His warm hand stings my cool skin. He breaths in deeply, I can feel his body begin to relax. I bite my lip.
"I love you, Baby." I whisper softly, wanting to hear his voice at least once more before falling asleep.
I wait for him to answer but he never answers. Oh God, does he not love me anymore? Scared, I peck his chest to try and wake him up. His muscular shoulders shift as he shivers. My heart drops. He's awake! Why didn't he tell me he loved me back? I peck his chest again—
"Katie." Chris growls, sounding angry "Stop it."
"Sorry" I say softly.
Chris coughs, probably from his smoking habit, and buries his head into his pillow. I go to move out of his grasp but his left arm that I am laying on moves across my back. He begins to cuddle me.
"I love you, Chris." I say a little louder than before, still whisper soft.
No answer. WHY ISN'T HE SAYING IT BACK?!?!!? Does Chris not love me anymore? Could Chris be mad? That brings me more comfort than if he didn't love me anymore. Wait...what if he's not saying it back because he's not actually really in love with me? What if he only said it to get into my panties? What if he's just using me until he can find a better girlfriend who has more experience than I do? What if he's seeing someone else—my heart shatters at the thought of him even looking at another woman. Not that I'm a woman. I'm more like a girl. Maybe that's what has caused this. Maybe our age gap has made Chris think that we're not compatible anymore. God, I shouldn't have told him that I loved him! A few tears escape my eyes, my heart breaking. I bury my face into his collarbone, trying to muffle my soft sobs. My heart aches so badly. God, what if Chris IS seeing somebody else? What if they have already had sex—
"Baby," Chris says tiredly, "are you crying?"
"No." I lie, crying a little harder.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because you don't love me anymore." I sniff, hating how I just blurted it out.
Suddenly, I am blinded by Chris's bedside lamp light. He leans over me, his tired blue eyes focused on my face. He brushes his hand over my cheek.
"And why the hell would you think that?" Chris says firmly.
"Because you're not in love with me anymore." I try to turn away from him but he makes me look at him, "You never said it back."
Chris lightly groans from exhaustion, yawning. "Never said what?"
"That you loved me too." I feel foolish and childish for saying that.
"Oh, Baby." Chris says tiredly, giving me THAT look. "Of course I love you. I do love you, Baby. I love you I love you."
I look away. "You're just saying that."
Chris grunts. "Honey, please, I'm tired. You're the most precious thing I have right now."
I roll my eyes. "For now."
"Hey!" Chris says gruffly—OUCH! Chris slapped my butt hard. I go to rub my bottom but Chris grabs my biceps hard. "Do not pick a fight with me. I am not one of those guys. Get that through that pretty little head of yours. You're my girl and I better be your only man. Now... GO. The hell. TO. SLEEP Katie!"
Tears continue to fall down my cheeks. Chris has never yelled at me before. We've argued before but this just hurts. Chris turns off the light and lays back down, NOT putting his arms around me again. That hurts me even worst. I sniff and whine softly, turning over so facing the bathroom. Chris shifts behind me, grunting as he shifts on the bed.
"I just wanted you to say you loved me too." I sniff, my voice cracking. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone."
Chris sighs loudly behind me, the bed shifting heavily towards—my body is pulled back against Chris's chest. His big man arms wrap around me protectively, spooning me. His hot breath against my ear.
"I love you, you spoiled Brat." Chris kisses my head, "Now go to sleep, or I'll give you a good, hard spanking."
My thought goes back to Adora earlier when she brutally beat my sensitive tush. She made a comment about Chris spanking me when I'm naughty and Halee told her Chris wouldn't lay a finger on me. Chris squeezes me, pecking the side of my neck.
               "Chris?" I say, feeling mischievous.
                "Hhhmmm?" He grunts tiredly, annoyed.  
              I smirk and giggle before Ofer my words out. "Stop it and go to sleep!"

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