Chap. 51: Girls Night

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(Picture of Girl's Night snacks Above)
*Katie's POV*

         "Left foot on red!" Kayla says as she munches on her Kit-Kat bar.
           Tara slips her foot between my legs and puts her tippy toe on the red dot. I put my foot on the red dot, annoyed that Tara took my spot. Adora munches on pop-tarts and Mercedes binges on everything. Halee sits on her windowsill texting Tristian, my phone is also there too. My phone buzzes.
          "Katie, it's Chris again!" Halee shouts annoyed, "He says that he really misses his 'Princess'."
            I sigh. I told Chris that I needed to spend some time with my friends since I haven't seen them lately because of my job. Ever since I told him that I wanted an even more romantic proposal than him pinning me against the shower wall while sexually trying to bribing me to marry him, Chris has been trying to sweep me off my feet with gifts, kisses, and sex. Can you believe he got me a VERY EXPENSIVE dress when he was in New York? And it's my size! He convinced me to quit my job at Blue Reads Company to be his secretary. He kept talking me up about how easy it would be. How I would just answer calls, set up business meetings, have as many days off as my new boss, and I would have to set up and attend EVERY event. And after Chris realized that what was supposed to excite me actually terrified me, Chris told me that he would be there incase I messed up.
"He's awfully clingy to be the older partner in your relationship." Whitney pops a sour patch kids bite into her mouth, "Thank God I'm asexual."
"How can you not have any sexual feelings or desires?" Mercedes says dramatically, "I wouldn't last long."
Halee smirks in her windowsill, giving Mercedes a smug look. "That's because you're pansexual. You'll have sex with ANYBODY."
Mercedes shrugs. "Everybody needs a little love'n."
Kayla rolls her eyes at them. "Left hand on green."
Suddenly, I loose my balance and fall on top of Tara—Ouch! We crash to the ground, groaning in pain. The jerks all laugh at us. Tara gets up and goes to the double stuff Oreos. I go to my phone and check all my unread messages. Chris has sent me 28 messages in the past 40 minutes. He asked me how I'm doing and if I'm having fun. His last message was to tell me he loved me and told me goodnight. I tell him I loved him too and goodnight.
                After I put my phone on the charger, I go and grab a slice of cheese pizza and a mini M&M's on the counter. I eat the cheesy slice quickly, sitting next to Adora who has her nose stuck in Wattpad. Probably a Korean mafia story. I offer her a bite of my mini M&M's, she doesn't even notice me.
          "What should we do now?" I think of what I would be doing if I was with Chris, missing Chris's warm, muscular, hairy chest to cuddle with as we watch a late night thriller flick on FXM. "Avengers, anyone?"
         Mercedes winks at us from Halee's bed. "How about we binge watch the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy?"
          "Eww!" Adora whines, her nose wrinkling in disgust "I do NOT agree to this!"
          Whitney visibly shivers. Kayla awkwardly stuffs her face full of Kit-Kat's. Halee and I share a look.
         I frown. "If I wanted to see a naked man, I would have stayed over at Chris's."
          Adora smirks at me, arching her brows. "Mmmhhhmmm! Especially with his fine piece of ass."
           Kayla chokes on her Kit-Kat as she chuckles, smiling at us. Tara laughs along.
           "How about we binge watch the Divergent series?" Tara offers, "I love Four."
        "Yeah," I sigh happily "I love Thor—I mean, Four. I love FOUR!"
          I hold up four fingers just to keep myself from saying Thor again.
            Halee shakes her head. "Or we could rate celebrities like we used to do when we first met."
             We all consider it and agree.


           We all sit around Halee's living room, pillows and junk food everywhere. Adora and I share Oreo ice cream as we take turns rating movies and celebrities. We've been doing this for half an hour.
          "Leonardo DiCaprio?" Whitney says annoyed, hating to show any sexual or emotion towards anyone. Asexual my butt.
         Halee puts a slender finger up. "Depends....young Leo or Leo now?Because Leo now, ick! BUT young Leo—"
           Halee lays her head back as she mentally fangirls over Leonardo DiCaprio. The last time I thought Leo was still cute was when he played in Great Gasby. The last time. Now it's Mercedes turn, great.
           "Okay, Jacob Or Edward?" OH MY GOD!
             "Oh, my God! We're still talking about that? She chose Edward!" I say annoyed, "Get over it! Move on."
             Halee gives me a look. "Well, Bella chose wrong."
             I roll my eyes. "At least he's better than Gale."
            Everyone gives me a look, all expect Halee and Adora. Of course, we're diehard team Peeta all the way! Whitney actually interacts with this one.
           "Gale was SO much better than weak Peeta!" Halee, Adora, and I gasp dramatically loud, offended by her words.
           "Gale bombed the Capital that killed Prim!" I say highly defensive to Josh Hutcherson's character, "Peeta was brainwashed BY the capital to hurt Katniss! Peeta loved Katniss until they put his mind in the blender! Seriously, no respect for our neighborhood bakers anymore."
             I cross my arms and sit back, shaking my head annoyed. Tara chimes in.
           "At least Four has Tris all to himself!" Tara waves her arms.
          "Well, Thor can—I mean, Four, can suck it!" I say annoyed, "I don't care if we share the same birthday, he can SUUUCCCCKKK IT!"
"What's his birthday?" Tara says with a blank face.
           "The fact you know an actors birthday is sad." Adora says annoyed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And you have a whole billionaire snack of a sugar daddy."
"December 16th." I smirk, rolling my eyes at Adora. Chris really is a delicious snack.
         "Wait, you're a Sagittarius?" Whitney says in shock, "I thought maybe you were a Pisces!"
           Halee rolls her eyes annoyed. "Don't tell me you believe in that crap."
           "Sagittarius are known to be...WILD!" Mercedes makes cat scratching movements with her hands at me, "Rawr! Maybe that's how Katie got a sugar daddy."
           I groan loudly, munching on pizza. "Chris is NOOOOOTTTTTT my sugar daddy!"
           They all give me a look but don't say anything. Chris is NOT my sugar daddy! He's my boyfriend! So what if he's rich, deliciously handsome, and now my boss—Craporito. You know, it's about the person, not the things they can give. All I want is Chris. His heart and his attention.
           "Mine is Libra." Mercedes says, "I'm the fun one!"
             "More like the slutty—" Adora covers Halee's mouth, smiling awkwardly at the rest of us.
              Mercedes turns to me, unfazed. Probably the alcohol she thinks she's sneak drinking. What can I say? She's an alcoholic.
               Mercedes burps loudly. "What's Chris?"
             "He's a Taurus." I bite my lip at the thought is his muscular arms, "He has it tattooed on his bicep."
             "The bull." Adora nods, "Stubborn and moody, a lot like my Virgo (the zodiac sign!)."
             Suddenly, Tara smacks me hard with a pillow. I grab the one behind me and whack her, smacking Adora in the process. My blood turns cold and chills run down my back. I DID NOT JUST HIT THE ONE PERSON WHO KNOWS HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER!!!! I run around Halee's apartment as Adora chases me with a pillow and crazy eyes. Mercedes turns on some music and starts to dance on the coffee table. Adora tackles me and sits on my head—OWWWW!!!!!! ADORA IS SPANKING ME!!!!!! I've only ever been spanked twice in my life and that was when I told my church that my parents couldn't come to church because they were too busy sleeping at home. And people didn't take it the way I meant—
          "ADORA THAT HURTS!!!" I scream, tears escaping the corner of my eyes. "STOP!!!"
           "I bet Chris spanks her when she's naughty." Mercedes says from the coffee table, pulling Kayla on top with her.
           "I've never imagined Katie to be a naughty girl." I hear Whitney say somewhere—OUCH! "I don't think there's one bad bone in Katie's body."
            Halee motions for Adora to stop. "There's not. She's an emotional goody-two-shoes who has to be coaxed into the majority of things."
             Adora gets off of me. I grab my butt that stings. I slowly sit up, teary eyed, and look at my so called "friends".
               "No I'm not." I say as I begin to lightly cry.
             Adora rolls her eyes at me. "I barely touched you."
              "Oh yeah? Tell that to Chris when he sees my bruises on my butt and thinks I'm cheating!" My voice breaks as I rub the feeling back into my tush.
              Suddenly, the song "Guys My Age" comes on the radio by HeyViolet and everyone looks to me. All giving me that dirty knowing look. I roll my eyes at them annoyed and still upset over my tushie being brutally beaten. Mercedes is, of course, starts to sing. Then Tara and Whitney. The three of them get Kayla to sing along too. I exchange a look with Halee.
             "Come dance to your own song!" Mercedes spins drunkly on the coffee table.
              I shake my head and stay back with Halee and meanie Adora. The four beg for me to join them. After they beg and beg, Halee shoves me to them and they force me to dance and sing along to a song about a young girl having to seek attention from a grownup.

So sorry for the long wait on this chapter! I am dealing with an aunt who is mentally going down and expects me, my mom, and other aunt to drop everything and beg for her to eat and take care of herself when she really just wants to die. And we are trying to get rid of a bunch of crap and so we had to have a HUGE yard sale. This past week has been hectic and long and miserable. I hope I will be publishing more chapters VERY soon and quicker than before. I had little ideas for this chapter but wanted a girls night to spice things up and sound like Katie has more than just her boyfriend/possible fiancé. Still undecided on that. Enjoy!!!! ❤️😘✌🏽

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