Chap. 50: Yes

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(Picture of warning above *WARNING: VERY sexy and steamy make-out session below*)
*Katie's POV*

          Ever since I got my new job, I haven't had much time off in the past three weeks. It's nothing like I thought it would be. I actually kind of hate it. It's boring and everybody glares at me or ignores me completely. Sometime I get confused with being a news reporter. But, Thank God, Mr. Blanchard's daughter is having her sweet sixteen birthday all week long on the Caribbean. Mr. Blanchard DOES NOT like to NOT be at his office during office hours so whenever he goes on vacation or leaves for a certain amount of days, the whole office gets a vacation. So I get a week and a weekend off!
        Chris was so happy when I old him over the phone. I was glad to be out of that office. So, I decided that since I'll be off this long vacation, I'll spend the majority of my time with my boyfriend.
            Chris showed up to my apartment early his morning and told me to pack some clothes. And when I asked why, he told me that he wanted me all to himself for as long as he could. So I packed a weeks worth of clothes and underwear. Then Chris drove me to his house before we went cruising.


        Chris made me drive his Jeep over the road near the coast. He fiddled with the radio, leaving the radio on an 80's radio station. Whitney started out singing her famous song "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and Chris terribly sung along. I couldn't help but laugh at him as he sung sour notes. As I drove, Chris's hand grazed my thigh and left it there.
           We stopped by the beach and got snow cones. Mine wedding cake and Chris's cherry flavored. We had sat on a boulder and watched the surfers swim out onto the ocean. It was so beautiful. So beautiful that Chris and I made out on the boulder until my big Baby got too hot. I told him NOT to wear jeans and a button up t-shirt. We drove around some more and ate at this Chinese place. I was too sleepy and it was too dark so Chris drove us back to his house.


            Chris's body lays between my legs, his head on the crook of my neck. I soap up his hairy chest, kissing his temple as he drinks his whiskey. Chris runs a hand up my leg, taking his time with my wet skin. I kiss his temple as my hands wash cloth move up his chest and dips into the water.
          "Sometimes, Katie, I can't stand Bruce or Rob Jay." Chris rants about his cofounders/business partners, "And the company is on my tail about how I went home early and left short stack and nimrod to handle the rest of the event. It's always up to me because I was the original founder and I know how to handle people and those idiots don't and it's just so damn annoying when they break down into a heated argument in the middle of a special event when it's supposed to be fun."
I kiss his neck. "Poor Baby."
"They always leave their share and mine up to me and expect to get paid all the same. And they cause a scene at every event or charity event we have! It's so embarrassing considering we're supposed to be bringing people together and not apart. I just...don't feel appreciated." Chris takes a drink of his shot of whiskey, "I'm thinking about buying out their contracts."
"Um? I don't know much about business," I continue lather his chest up before washing the soap off "but isn't that a lose-lose situation? I mean, you lose your profits for the year AND it would looks bad on you to try and buy your partners out. But that's just what I think, who knows nothing about nothing in the business world."
Chris smirks. "It's a lose-win, actually."
"Lose because buying out means I lose 33.3 % of my profits for this year—but I have enough money to last me another 8 years." Chris explains to me, "And Win because I get Dumb-Dumb and Stupid out of my hair and let me have complete control of MY company that was MINE in the first place."
I kiss his temple as he takes a drink of whiskey. Chris sighs heavily. He runs his hand over my thigh, grazing my wet skin gently. I hope his family doesn't barge in on us again.
"Enough about me." Brides scratches his beard before returning to my leg, "How's work? Are you enjoying it as much as you thought?"
No, I hate it. I wish I could quit! But I can't quit considering this is the closest thing I've ever came to in the writing field. And I hate reading through the same copy of books and editing their errors. The authors should have done that themselves before publishing!
"Yeah." To my ears, that was not convincing whatsoever.
"What's wrong? Don't you like your new job?" I panic at his words.
"Oh, it's fine." Wow, how can I sound even more convincing than that?
Chris sets his whiskey glass down on the side of the tub. He takes my hands and plays with my fingers.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay? Is your boss giving you a hard time?" Chris says concerned.
I decide to come clean. "It's just...boring. I have to examine the ENTIRE book in two hours tops before moving onto another. It's INCREDIBLY hard. And nobody talk to me or when they do, they mistaken me for either a newspaper reporter or Mr. Blanchard's newest secret lover."
"Then quit." Chris says simply, "I bet you could find a more interesting job than that."
"But Chris, this is the closest I've ever been to something that I love." I say sadly, "I love to write, I do—and I am so honored that they gave me a job, but this job is RIDICULOUS! The authors should be the ones who correct themselves, not me!"
Chris chuckles, playing with my hands. I sigh, laying my chin on his shoulder.
"But I can't quit, Chris." I say sadly, "I was out of a stable job for four to five months waiting on this job! And Hannah keeps calling me."
"No." Chris says in shock, "Is she really?"
"She keeps calling and begging for me to come back." I kiss his neck.
"No." Chris says firmly, "Don't give into her pleas, Katie. She will do you the way she done you before."
I sigh. "I know."
"I'll make you my personal assistant if I have to." Chris says firmly, "But I won't have you going back to the Dragon Lady. I won't!"
"Chris," I try not to scream "I can't work for you. If, God forbid, we broke up, that would be so awkward!"
"Well, then let's not break up." Chris says simply, "Then we never have to deal with that problem."
I kiss his temple repeatedly, talking in between kisses. "Then...if I was your personal assistant ...I would be dating my boss...and that's says a lot about me...Who would...I be if the only reason why I got my job...was because I was sleeping my boss?"
"You wouldn't be the first." Chris smirks to himself, "Besides, you could never accuse me of cheating with my secretary at work."
I blush, kissing his cheek. "I love you, Chris."
"I love you too, Katie." Chris kisses my arm.
"Chris," I say curiously "do you really think we won't break up? I mean I don't want to but life happens."
"Then I guess I'll have to marry you so no one can have you." My body freezes at the word marry.
My thoughts go to a scary thought. What if Chris isn't the one whom I should spend the rest of my life with? What if he becomes unhappy and cheats on me? I would just die.
My shaky hands dips into the water. "Oh? And what if someone else comes into our life? Like, say, another woman?"
"Sweetheart, are you telling me you're bi?" Chris quickly says with a huge smile, "Because as hot as that would be...I want you all to myself. I don't care how HOT that would be."
I roll my eyes at him. "I'm NOT into girls, Chris. That wasn't what I was meaning."
Chris goes silent. I kiss his temple but he turns away from me, hurting my feelings. Chris swings back his head as he gulps the rest of his whiskey, groaning at the alcohol sensation in his throat. Chris stands up and closes the shower curtain, turning the shower on. The water hits my face. Chris unplugs the drain stopper, the tub automatically starting to drain. Chris stands there washing the soap off of his body. I stand to my feet confused. Hesitatingly, I snake my hands around his body and on his hairy chest.
"Baby? What did I say?" I say worriedly, "Talk to me."
Chris lowers his head and turns around. His blue eyes don't quite meet mine. I wonder why—a gasp escapes my lips as I am pulled forward into Chris's man arms. He kisses me deeply, pressing me hard against the shower wall. I can't even rub up his abs and chest the way it turns him on. So I just wrap my arms around his torso, slowly lifting my leg up his—OUCH! Chris shoved my leg down, pressing me harder against the shower wall. My backside begins to sting from being pressed too hard against the shower.Chris moans into the kiss, holding onto the back of my head and the small of my back.
"I love you, Katie." Chris leans away, his lips on my cheek. "This isn't how I wanted this to go, but Baby, even though we've known each other for a short time, you have become my whole world." Chris stares deeply into my eyes, making me feel weak in the ankles. "And if you became my wife, I would spend the rest of my life trying to give you and ONLY you the world."
I blush at his cheesy words. "Did you come up with that one yourself?"
Chris kisses me roughly, hands brushing against my cheeks softly. I slowly rub my hands up his abs and chest, laying my forearms on his shoulders. His lips go from my lips down to the soft spot on my—I let out a whimper as his burning hot lips brush against my cool neck. Sending chills down my back. Chris slams a hand against the wall, pressing my hips against his. Forcing my to arch my back.
"Say yes." Chris says sexily, "Please say yes."
I honestly want to scream it, but my previous thoughts still hang over my head. Should I say yes? I mean, that wasn't much of a proposal. I bet he came up with at the top of his head to romance me.
"Chris..." I sigh as he continues to kiss my neck, probably leaving hickeys.
I can feel Chris harden between us. He looks me deep in the eyes then, a plea like look in his eyes.
"Katie Morgan, please do me the honor of becoming my wife." Our noses bump together as he waits for an answer I am still trying to decide upon.
I stare deep into those blue eyes of Chris's, feeling weak and vulnerable at that gaze. That heart throbbing, knee buckling gaze. I bite lip in thought, putting my hands on his broad shoulders. Should I say yes and run into something that may or may not hurt me in he long run? Or should I say no and risk losing Chris forever?

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