Chap. 2: Easy Target

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(Picture of Katie Morgan Above)
*Katie's POV*

"Oh, Honey!" My friend Halee hugs me tightly as I bawl my eyes out.
I had called Halee and she came and picked me up then took me back to my apartment. I live across my other friend, Tara. Halee holds me as I cry on her shoulder. Tara holds my cup of hot chocolate with big marshmallows. She's a chef downtown and makes the best hot coco from scratch.
God, tonight was horrible! I absolutely wanted to die! My first date and it was ruined! Halee pats my back gently.
"Your parents were TOO strict." Halee says annoyed, holding me close.
"Katie, he was NOT the one for you. Obviously!" Tara exclaims, "The right guy wouldn't have done you so dirty."
Halee rolls her eyes. "What did I tell you? Don't go out this this creep! I knew from the moment I saw him at Tiny's that he was an asshole!"
           I cover my face with my couch pillow. God, I'm not ready to date! I'm not ready to start anything serious with anybody! I'm gonna stay lonely and a virgin for the rest of my life! I fall down onto my couch, squeezing my pillow tightly against my face. I hope I suffocate. My heart already has.
                 "Look on the bright side." Tara says cheerfully.
                I glare up at her, my mascara staining my salty cheeks. "WHAT bright side?"
              Halee looks at her confused. "Yeah, what bright side? This douchebag completely ruined her first date ever! AND LAUGHED ABOUT IT!"
             I bury my face back into my pillow, sobbing. Halee pats my back. God, I am so embarrassed!


              The soapy water in my tub has turned cold. I play with the faucet, using my big toe to turn the knob on and off. I'm currently off. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.
             Tara said she would check up on me tomorrow morning after Halee twisted her arm. No, Halee LITERALLY twisted Tara's arm behind her back and didn't let go until Tara promised to check up on me. My friends, I swear. Wow. The first time I smiled after my tragedy. Or at least it feels like one. God, why do men have to be such jerks? Chris really seemed like a nice guy and all. He's rich from helping organizations that involve homeless families and kids with disabilities—he probably made that up. All of it was probably a lie. And I once again I begin to cry at my stupidity. I was an easy target for him. He asked me if I wanted to be out of there and I just absent mindedly let him! Ugh. I just really kind of liked him. I was hoping he'd like me back. I guess I'm chasing after a fairytale. But I am no one's Princess. Forever locked away in my tower waiting on my Prince to come and rescue me and take me away from the rest of the world. I'm such a foolish girl.
         Chris's words still run through my head. 'But you're really hot' he had said. That's what you say to an easy girl! I'm NOT easy! I guess I made that somewhat clear tonight—I hope.

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