Chap. 4: It's A Date

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(Picture of Katie Morgan Above)
*Katie's POV*

God! Halee & Tara kept filling my ear on what I should do AND not do on this date. I don't really think it's a date. Not after what he pulled, but I'm too shy to say no. And that's what got me in this outfit (above).
As I walk into the coffee shop, I can't help but regret coming. Maybe if I turn and run out really quickly—
"Katie!" The sound of Chris's voice makes me stop in my tracks. Fantastic.
My eyes search around the room, spotting Chris sitting near the big window. I walk over, faking a smile as the distance between us decreases. As I get closer, I can see he is wearing a navy blue shirt with a buttoned cardigan to match and velvet aqua blue pants that look so soft. His light brown boots to match. His whole outfit bothers me, it doesn't look right together. But I don't dress him, so....
        Chris stands and he starts to move in for a hug but I quickly sit down in the booth. He stops for a minute and sits down as well. He clears his throat.
        "You look pretty." He says softly, rubbing his hands together after an awkward silence.
         "I thought I was 'hot' ?" I say, more spiteful than I intended to be.
         Chris nods, looking down at the table. "Yeah, about that, I'm terribly sorry for the night before. I have no excuse for my actions other than that I was half drunk and was thinking with my penis. I'm sorry. I would have never acted in such a way if I was sober."
            I blink. "I really thought you were a nice guy at first."
            Christopher's face goes grave. "I AM a nice guy! Please, give me one more date and I will try to prove that I am not a pervert. You can even pick where."
              I think it over for a few minutes. I bite my lip nervously. Then I get an idea but it's stupid.
"What?" Chris's voice brings me back out of my train of thought.
"It's stupid and probably kiddish to you." I blush madly, a small smile dancing on my thickly coated pink lips.
Chris smirks. "Try me."
"Have you ever been to that marine wildlife resort on the coast?" I say softly, feeling childish and dumb.
"Yeah?" His deep voice drops softly.
"Well, I've never been." I say awkwardly.
Chris smirks. "You're kidding!"
"No," I blush harder "ever since I moved here, I haven't had the time to really go out and have fun."
               Chris lightly smiles. "Well, I think the marine wildlife resort is a wonderful place for a 3rd date."
                 I nod. "Then meet me there Friday at 11:30."
                 Chris smiles. "It's a date."

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