Chapter 55: hatred

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4 weeks later

Tia Aaliyah Johnson

I walked into the doctor's office with kentrell right behind me, He was so called mad at me because he claimed I didn't tell him about the doctor's appointment.

" you got me missin my shows and shit" he mumbled as we both entered the quiet doctor's office. 

" you can leave if you want to, ion need you here i can do this all by myself" I asserted before taking a seat on the exam table. He smacked his lips before he took a seat on the black chair that was located next to the exam table. 

" whatchu having anyway?" he asked 

" im only 2 month, ion know what i'm having yet" I shrugged making him nod. 

for the past weeks my stomach has been feeling weird and when I called the doctor's office they told me to come in immediately for another ultrasound because the symptoms wasn't normal at all. 

Knocks then echoed throughout the room from the wooden door of the doctor's office. The door swung open revealing dr.lisa who has been my doctor throughout my whole pregnancy. 

" hello Ms.johnson, I see you have brought a guest" she spoke making kentrell scrunch up his face. " im the daddy" He asserted making me giggle to myself. 

" oh really? I believe we don't have you down as the legal parent. what's your name young man?" the lady asked as she took out her clipboard and pen. 

" Kentrell Gaulden" He spoke, I really hated when he tried to talk proper because it made him sound even dumber. 

" okay Ms. johnson and Mr. Gaulden, is everything ok?" she asked as she placed her clipboard down on the marble counter. 

" No, I've been experiencing excruciating pain in all areas of my stomach and It doesn't feel normal" I groaned as i felt around on my stomach. 

The doctor grabbed her clipboard again, " okay honey, can you tell me the symptoms?" she asked causing me to nod my head. 

" I have alotta pelvic pain, My lower stomach hurts, The side of my body and lots of cramps and I've been throwing up alot too" I told her and she nodded as she wrote the symptoms down. 

" alright let me give you a ultrasound before I conduct my research" she implied before walking over to the lightswitch and turning it off. 

Sh walked back over to me and turned on the machine on the other side of me to give me a ultrasound. She pulled up a chair to the exam table which I laid on and  rubbed the jelly on my stomach before placing the object on my stomach as well and then seconds later my baby appeared on the screen. 

" It's growing" I smiled as I looked at the screen and kentrell was smiling as well as showing off his grillz. 

The doctor softly smiled as she moved the object around my stomach, You could tell something was wrong just by her factual expression but I wasn't gonna say anything because I wanted her to know for sure. 

" Okay, I be right back" she spoke getting up from the chair and turning off the machine before exiting the room leaving me and kentrell in the silent room. 

" some wrong, I can feel it" I sighed as I shook my head. 

" don't say no shit like dat, you gon' be good" he replied trying to be positive. 

" shutup cause you don't even care" I mugged waving him off. 

" whatchu mean ion care, tia you the one cheated on me, ian did shit to you" He shrugged as he unlocked his phone. 

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