chapter 32: did you say vacation?

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1 month later

Tia Aaliyah Johnson

I grabbed all of my belongings before heading over to clock out of work.

I been working at the pharmacy for a month already and i honestly can say that i really like it. I met hella cool people in all kinds of races.

" guh you still coming ova tomorrow?" my co worker brittany asked as I was about to exit the pharmacy department.

brittany was one of the people i met while working in the pharmacy. She was a real chill ass female and she wasn't the messy type like many of these other girls. Her and i were the same age so we got along pretty well.

She was having a small gathering at her condo tomorrow and she invited me, so why not attend?

" i definitely will be attending, Text me when you get off " i chuckled clutching my mcm handbag.

she nodded as she prepared a order, " issa bet" she replied with her thick southern accent.

i left out the department and soon left out the walgreens store, luckly i called my uber minutes ago so he was already here.

I looked around the parking lot for the black car and soon spotted a all black honda civic in the middle of the parking lot.

I ran over to the car and opened the back door and slid into the back seat, " hello sir" i greeted.

" hello" he greeted back with his indian accent.

I Got comfortable in the seat and laid back . Work be kicking my ass, and today i worked from 1pm to 8pm so i was really tired.


I pulled my keys from out of my purse and then stuck them through the keyhole and turned the doorknob to enter the house.

I took my keys from the keyhole and looked up and noticed kennedy and tamia laying on the couch, watching Tv.

turns out a month ago tamia decided to get the abortion because she thought that's what'll be best for her and her future. I don't condone abortion and i'm totally against but it wasn't my place to tell her to have the baby because its her choice and her life and her baby.

" hey" they both spoke as i walked further into the house.

" hey yall" i spoke frustrated

" damn you look fucked up li' baby" kennedy giggled observing my face.

"shutup" i chuckled picking up a pillow and throwing it at her.

" but i got some to tell you" she spoke still sitting on the couch while i walked towards the stairs.

" come to my room" i stated walking slowly up the stairs.

when i finally made it to my room i stripped out of my clothes and changed into a pair of spanx shorts and a sports bra.

seconds later kennedy appeared in the doorway with a evil grin on her face making me chuckle, " what you up to?" i asked climbing into my bed.

she walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed and crossed her legs, " so, you know how ya was talkin bout' leaving louisiana ?" she grinned .

i nodded my head slowly, unsure of where this conversation was headed.

" so the boys and i are goi.....

i shook my head unfocusing my attention off her, " nope, i don't wanna go nowhere with them" i asserted making her frown.

" why? come on. " she begged

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