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The hotel was eerily empty, with no sign of life at all. The lights were off and it was pitch black. The hotel creaked with each step as you walked, looking for someone, anyone, to be there. You nervously looked around- as much as you could downstairs, but there was still nothing. Swallowing your fear, you walked towards the steps before feeling around for the baseball bat you knew was always there.

"Where the fuck is it..?" you muttered before your hand landed on it and you grabbed it tightly. You began slowly making your way upstairs. The steps creaked even louder than the floor and it was all you could do not to run out of there screaming. You reached the top, surveying your surroundings and listening carefully for anything. All that came back was your breath. You inhaled deeply and very hesitantly made your way down the hall towards Alastor's room. As you got closer you heard a crunch under your foot. You flinched and jumped back, brandishing your bat and whirling your head around before checking your shoe and frowning as you realized you were still blind. You slowly began walking again, and the crunching continued until you reached Alastor's door. All the voices in your head were screaming at you to not go in but you shoved them away and without an ounce of self-preservation walked into the room. You stood there in the middle for a minute before you felt a tap on your back and the lights flicked on. You swiveled around, hitting the person who'd touched you square in the face with the baseball bat. Alastor crumpled to the floor and you blinked a few times, registering that it was indeed him and this was some kind of idea of a sick joke. You narrowed your eyes.

"What were you DOING?!" you yelled. "Do you know how much that shit terrified me?!"

"I'm sorry Y/N-" he said, sitting up and rubbing a large bruise that was now on his cheek. He took a deep breath and smiled up at you. I just wanted you to find me so I could do this..." He looked up at you and slowly moved to one knee, pulling out a ring box and opening it to reveal a beautiful large red ring with a diamond right in the center. Your hands flew to your mouth.

"Y/N, since the moment I first got to know you, I knew I was in love... I know we've had our ups and downs, hell we didn't have the CHANCE to ever get married when we were alive. I've decided that I want that special connection with you. I want YOU. You have my heart, and now I'm hoping you'll take my hand in marriage." he said, his voice lacking his radio effect and full of sincerity. You felt yourself tear up before you flung yourself at him.
"Yes!! Yes yes yes, 1000 times yes!" You cried, hugging him tightly. He hugged back and slipped the ring on your finger. Applause filled the air as the rest of the hazbins- who you just realized were there- stepped out and slapped and cheered for you and your paramour. You smiled brightly, your face the very picture of pure joy. They all took turns hugging and congratulating you. You enthusiastically thanked them all, before absolutely admiring your new ring. You could feel Alastor's gaze on you, red and bright, and you felt yourself blush. He stood before gently cupping your cheeks and leaning in. Your lips met in a fantastical array of fireworks and sparks. Firm and possessive, yet tender and loving all at once. You immediately returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. You two kissed for a good 2 minutes before someone cleared their throat, causing you both to pull away. You shot an embarrassed- and slightly flustered- smile at your crowd. They smiled back, Angel shooting you a "you get some girl' wink before wrapping his arm around husk. You silently snickered. You were so happy. Everything was perfect. You had hell, your friends, and your brand-new fiance.

"Well come on then!" you said, walking out of the room with everyone, hand in hand with Alastor.

"We have a wedding to plan!"

-The End-


A/N: well here it is you all! the end, for realsises. This has been such a wild ride for me and I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you all so much for your support, and loving comments, it really has meant so much to me over the past year and a half.

If you guys want me to, I'll write a bonus chapter for the wedding, but to me, this was a very good place to end this story. I'm probably going to take a break from writing for a while, but I'll let you all know if I ever publish anything again.

Again, thank you all so so much, and I truly hope you enjoyed! Until we meet again~


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