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We were back at the studio it all started. Channel 666 news. Charlie was set up for another interview- much to Kaitie Killjoy's utter dismay. Charlie was going to talk about the hotel again, and - with any hope- Alastor sees the broadcast and comes to the hotel for entertainment. We'd figure it all out after that. Vaggie stood in front of Charlie who seemed hopeful. Husk and Angel were on the couch together and you were surveying the crowd. You turned to Charlie.

"You got this Char! Get our friend back." You encouraged. She smiled brightly at you before skipping out from backstage.


I was taking my daily stroll when I noticed a crowd of demons gathered around a strange set of devices. I walked over and stood in the back as the program came on.

"Hello and welcome to channel 666 news!" a blonde woman says over-enthusiastically. "I'm Kaitie Killjoy!"

"And I'm Tom Trench!" her smaller- and also blonde- counterpart added.

"You're all in luck today as we have another interview with hell's own princess! The demon who's goal of redemption has indeed succeeded! Unfortunately..." she mumbled the last part and her neck cracked as she turned to a.. quite familiar demon on her left. "So cheryl!"

"Charlie." The princess corrected.

"Whatever Curtis, tell us how you feel now that your hotel has succeeded!" I watched closely as this demon answered all the questions the blonde one gave her. For some strange reason, I felt compelled to visit this mentioned hotel. It was pulling me to it... and I didn't like it. I spun on my heel. I would visit it, prove it was an absolute joke, and leave, if only to get the stupid nagging feeling out of my head.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now