Hes baaack

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The interview had finished and everyone was just sitting around the hotel, waiting, hoping. The air was thick with anticipation and you couldn't stand still. Pacing was all you could do until suddenly... KNOCK. KNOCK KNOCK. Everyone's heads shot up and you all exchanged glances. The knocking continued. You slowly walked to the door and swung it open, looking up. There stood.. alastor. The love of your life. He was looking down at you with a grin, his eyes hard as they were with everyone else.. everyone but you.. usually. You missed the softness of his eyes when they looked at you and only you.
"Hello there darling!!" He spoke, walking in and grabbing your hand- shaking it aggressively. "My name is Alastor, it's a pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure!!!"
"Oh uhm.. yes.. good to meet you as well." As you made eye contact with him you say a small flicker of recognition is his deep red orbs (pfft) before the confusion turned to pain, he clutches his head momentarily, his eyes glazing over. The rest of the hotel staff came up behind you two as Alastor's eyes returned to normal and he straightened, his signature grin plastering back onto his face. He turned to the others, introducing himself to everyone individually as everyone introduced themselves back. The mood was sad, subdued even as alastor chattered on. The old alastor. No love, no progress.. just cold, psychotic, alastor. Returning him to normal was going to take a lot of work...
(Sorry for the short chapter yall, I'm on vacay! -idiot)

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant