The library

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"hey, Al..?" You said walking into his room. He looked up from the book he was reading.

"Hello dear, what can I help you with?" He said. You walked over to him and sat next to him. You then told him about all your suspicions.

"And I'm just not sure what to do, but all I know is that this place doesn't feel right." You finished, relieved to have gotten that off your chest. Alastor was silent for a minute before speaking.

"I believe you may be right. I've been noticing things that are off as well."

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes." he replied "I think it's best to look into this. Perhaps the library?"

" That sounds like it might work." You said, standing. Alastor stood as well and you both walked out of the room and downstairs. You left the house and walked to the public library you both knew was there. You and Alastor began searching shelves, not quite sure what you were looking for, but with a general idea in your heads. You traveled through the labyrinth of multicolored and texture spines, pulling out books and reading the titles. As you traveled deeper you noticed the lights dimming slightly. You gulped and continued looking. You reached for a high-up book and as you attempted to pull it down something by you clicked. You let your hand fall as you gazed at the place where the sound was coming from. You saw a door that you were sure wasn't there a minute ago. The edges of the door had an odd hazy look about them, almost like it wasn't all there. You laughed at yourself and walked off to find Alastor. He was browsing through a shelf of history books.

"Al! Al!" You said. He looked up.

"Yes, dear?"

" I think I found something." You said, a ghost of a smile on your lips. He nodded in return and you lead him to the door. He slowly opened it and you both walked inside.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora