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You had just finished informing the others of what you had seen on the tv, with the help of angel. They were all shocked- to say the least, Vaggie coming to your aid outraged, husk mumbling obscenities under his breath, and Charlie lost in thought. You wiped your eyes again.
"I just don't get it you guys... I miss him so much.. but he's just out there- rampaging! Did something happen? did- did he meet someone else!? Does he not care anymore?!" you were interrupted by a fresh rack of sobs, which you gave into, burying your face into Angel's shoulder again. Charlie spoke up.
"Y/N, I think Alastor may have... lost his memory." You looked up, staring at her quizzically.
"Since it was all an illusion, and that god- man- thing- didn't truly have an angel's blade, I'm guessing he did die- only not permanently. Instead, his soul came back down here, but as a fresh soul. Meaning no memories of hell, and no memories of his human life past the basics." she continued. "There might be a way to restore his memory, but we would need him here to even have a chance." You frowned, tapping your chin in thought.
"That does make sense... oh fuck that stupid 'god' and his stupid superiority complex..." You sighed. "There are a few ways to get him to come here, but I think the easiest one would be to exploit what brought him here in the first place. Entertainment."

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now