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Mason pulled up at his house getting out and rushing inside.  "Baby," Marco said heart dropping.  He fell to his knees seeing Nia badly beaten "NOO!" Mason untied her laying her on the ground "Baby.  Baby"

Paul comes rushing in seeing Nia on the ground.  He comes checking for a pulse. "She okay,  she okay" Paul grabbed a pillow from he couch as his bodyguards came rushing in pulling out their guns searching the house. 

One of the bodyguards came back into the house "Paul come see this" He said waving his hand through the back door.  Paul gets up and goes to the back seeing Tevin dead with a gunshot womb to the head.  "Glad he made the right decision," Paul said fixing his suit and going back inside

Mason picked Nia up carrying her to the car.  While Paul bodyguards got Tevin up so they could get rid of the body. 

Paul came outside waving for them go to on head and rush Nia to the hospital.  "Make sure everything looks like nothing happened you hear me? " Paul said getting in his truck and leaving. 

Maya called Greg

"Hey baby you good? " He answered.

"Tevin has badly beaten Nia.  She's alive but unconscious still"

Greg got up from his office in Chicago grabbing his coat.  "Where Paul?" he asked

"He gone with Mason.  He told his driver to not let me come"

"Good!  Go back to the hotel.  I'll be there later when I leave the hospital with Mason" He said

"I was going to the hospital, Greg"

"No, you not.  Go To the hotel. "

Maya hung up getting frustrated.  But she understood. Greg texts her "I love you" She reads it and replies the same. 

The hospital.  3 hours later. 

Nia woke up to see she was on the machine.  She was about to take them off when Mason stopped her. She looked at Mason and began to cry.  He held her. 

"Is he dead?  Tell me you've caught him? " Nia said wiping her tears. 

"He was already dead when we got there baby.  I'm so sorry for even thinking about leaving you" Mason said

"You know I'm always fine.  He just had to get me when I ain't have my gun" she said becoming furious. 

"Well, you're fine.  Just busted lip,  black eye,  and he broke your arm. "

"Mason I clearly can see that," She said looking at herself then started to cry again. "What the fuck.  Look at my face bro" She said touching her lip and lifting it. 

"Just relax baby"

"I have no choice but to Mason.  Like, come on.  This nigga had to come for me out of all people?  Was it because you fought him? " Nia asked

"I don't know baby. But I'm glad you are alive and here.  That's all I'm worried about" he said getting up and kissing her forehead.

"Where's Maya?"

"They wouldn't let her come, 'cause she's pregnant and sensitive right now," Mason said smiling. 

The nurse walks in.  "Ms...

"Just call me Nia please"

"Okay.  Well Nia I'm your Nurse Ms. Linda tonight.  How are feeling?  Any pain? " she asked going to the computer. 

"I got a headache.  Is that normal? "

"Yes, it's normal.  Any pain elsewhere? ".

"My arm," Nia said trying to lift it but barely couldn't

"Okay I'll be right back to give you something to take the pain an also your headache away," The nurse said walking out. 

"Man I don't want to be in here," Nia said

"Hungry? " Mason said trying to ease her mind.

"Yeah.  Anything I don't care" She said laying back down. 

Greg comes to the hospital walking in and seeing Mason coming towards him.  "How is she? "

"She's living?"

"Good.  Well " Greg whispers "He's handled with. Come outside I need to show you something " Greg said

"Got to get Nia some food"

"Well let's go get her some real food," Greg said as they got in the black truck.  "Here," Greg said handing him an envelope. 

Mason grabbed it and opened it seeing nothing but hundreds. "Damn"

"Heard you kept it together.  With both situations " Greg said sitting back. 

"So now what? " Mason said

"You with me.  Well, let's say with them. They listen to me.  I don't want that from you, 'cause now we are brother-in-law.  So if you can prove yourself as a man I got a better opportunity for you" Greg said

"Sounds expensive," Mason said

"You'll be bringing home more than what you making now," Greg said

"Shit I need it.  New York getting a little expensive told Maya we were moving back" Mason said

"That's your first mistake.  Don't ever move back to a place that you started from.  Why do you think I ain't come back." Greg said "You'll be fine now.  Go buy a house" Greg said

"With all this?"

"That's enough for it"

"Then I'll be back selling by tomorrow"

"Nigga you work every day for me.  You get paid every day from me. " Greg said "Look at it like the streets when you selling.  You get your money from them day by day. You just getting back more now" Greg said

"I like the way you think.  Thought I wouldn't like your ass"

"Aye, sometimes we Chicago mother fuckas don't come off wanting to be a nigga friend. You either buying something or moving around" Greg said as they laughed together. 

The right guy & The Right Guy 2 (Together)Where stories live. Discover now