Court Room

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"Your honor, Members of the jury.  My name is Judge Odom, and I represent the prosecutions/defendants. Grace Collins and Tevin Collins. 

"Mrs.  Collins let's start with you," Judge Odom said

Greg stood up ready to speak for Grace. 

"My client would like to go threw the divorce fair.  She doesn't want anything from Mr. Collins,  just the things she left behind here" Greg said

Tevin swiped to his lawyer

"She has nothing there," Tevin said

"Objection," Tevin's lawyer said

"Go ahead" Judge Odom Said

"She has nothing at his place that belongs to her," He said

Greg laughed

"Your honor.  We have a picture of everything that's hers. Like I said before she doesn't need anything from him.  Just her things" Greg said fixing his suit

"SHES NOT GETTING ANYTHING" Tevin yelled standing up

"Mr Collins. This is not the time to be shouting sit down" The judge said

Tevin sits down and looks at Grace

"Go on," The judge said

"She would also like a restraining order on him.  She doesn't want him near her or her kids" Greg said


"Mr Collins, " The judge said

"She thinks she can take my kids away. It's not happening.  See what happens" Tevin said sitting down. 

"Your honor the threats he makes.  His kids are even scared of him and I'm a witness to that" Greg said

"Yeah well tell him that her son knocked me out while you were a witness," Tevin said

"MR COLLINS.  Last Warning" The judge said

"Her son is here. And he witnesses his mother about to get slapped by Mr Collins.  He had to grab his hand. I would like to bring him on the stands." Greg said

"Okay. Mr Neil come up to the stand" Judge said

Mason stood up fixing his suit walking up onto the stands.

"Right hand.  Do you wish to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? " The judge asked

"Yes sir. " Mason said

"Let's hear it," Judge Odom said

"I called my sister telling her I made it to Chicago.  I met my sister Maya and His daughter Monica at the diner.  My sister Maya was telling me how rude he was being with my sister.  I admit to becoming upset.  Once I got in the house My mother's.  Tevin was raising his hand looking like he was about to slap her I did grab his arm and Monica was a witness to that. After Monica tried to introduce me to my mother.  Tevin interrupted telling me I shouldn't have come cause I wasn't any child of his. I black out from getting in my face so yes we begin to fight.  And your honor I'll do it all over again.  Because he's the reason my mother gave us away" Mason said

"Thank you.  You may go sit back down" The judge said

Judge Odom begins looking three the paper work seeing Mason and Maya were adopted and a statement from their daughter about how abusive Tevin has been for years. 

"We will have another court hearing in two weeks.  This will determine everyone's statements.  Mr Collins, I expect you to be better next hearing" Judge Odom said

Grace walks out of the courtroom with Mason and Greg seeing Maya,  Monica, And Ryan Waiting.

"You're okay Ma?  Monica asked

"I'm okay. Don't think your dad is" Grace said seeing him walk out of the courtroom

Ryan looked at Grace and then over at his dad who looked like he had enough.  Ryan got up and walked towards his dad. 

"Ryan," Mason said

"What? " Ryan said with aggression

"Chill bro.  Just asking you where you going. " Mason said

"To my dad," Ryan said

"You sure? " Mason said

" That's still my father fuck you mean, " Ryan said smartly

" Like I said chill out.  You got a problem nigga? " mason Asked

" If I do then what? " Ryan said

Mason walked in Ryan's face

"You know me.  So you know what's up" Mason said

Ryan got in his face.

"And nigga you know me.  So what's SUP? " Ryan said pushing Mason. 

Greg got in the middle before they started Swinging

"Not in the court house y'all.  Come on y'all brothers" Greg said

"I don't give a fuck" Ryan said walking off

"Fuck bro ass.  PUSSY ASS NIGGA" Mason said

Grace began to cry seeing the tension between both of them and she didn't know where all this anger coming from. 

"Let's go," Maya said talking to Mason. 

Ryan walked up to his dad who witnessed everything. 

"You good son? " Tevin asked

"I'm good.  You? " Ryan asked

"Yeah, I'm straight.  Look I know I did my fucked up shit.  But I never want y'all out my life" Tevin said

"That's something you need to fix.  I came over here can't you still my pops you look alone" Ryan said

"You know I can hold my own," Tevin said

Ryan and Tevin left getting in the car and going back to Tevin and Grace's house. 

Maya,  Greg,  Monica, and Grace left for the hotel. 

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