Chapter 11

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Maya woke up to her ringing.  She knew it was a Chicago number.  She picks it up saying hello

"Maya," a woman's voice said

"Camilla," Maya said sitting up and folding her arms

"Is that how you talk to your mother"

"How did you get my number? "

"Maya now. "

"What is it? "

"You haven't visited home in years.  Why? "

"We never got along.  And last I checked you were just worrying about going to the strip club and making money.  "

"That's the past.  I would like to you"

"Why? "

"Because it's so much to tell you.  Your sister is back in town"

"Lola? "

"Yes.  And she wants to see you"

"Yeah.  We ain't get along neither,  so I'd rather not"

"Maya I want to put all this behind us.  I've change moved on and got a man"

"Oh I'm so happy for you" Being sarcastic

"I would like to you"

"Did you even ask Mason? "

"What's his number ill call.  At least he'll be reasonable "

"Just how you found my number.  Find his" Maya said hanging up. 

Maya called Mason who was already in Chicago with Ryan and Monica. 

"Where you at? " He answered. 

"Back Home"

"Why?  Thought you'd be headed here. "

"I'm pregnant "

"YOU WHAT? " he yelled

"I'm pregnant"

"How far along? "

"I don't know yet.  But I wasn't calling you about that"

"First off that's what you should have done.  Was tell me.  Congratulations.  So what is it? "

"Camilla called me"

"What did she want? "

"She wants us to go visit her.  I guess she changed and had a man.  Oh and Lola is there to"

"Well, shit I'm here.  You don't need to be here no way.  So I'm glad you are at home.  I'll call her.  What's the number? "

Maya gave Mason the number before hanging up.  Maya sits back still not feeling up to it but she needed to get her ass up and find a doctor.  Her phone rings again and it's Greg this time.

"Good morning baby.  You up? " Greg asked

"Yeah. "

"Good.  I have an appointment set up for you at 9. I'll send you the location"

"I'm glad you saved me the headache"

Greg knew it was kind of smart but it brushed it off. 

"Aye.  I love you get up.  And after that meet me at my office"

"Not coming? "

"Got a meeting here in a few so no I can't baby"

"Okay I love you too," She said hanging up. 

Maya got up and dressed.  Walking out the door she headed to the location Greg sent her.  She pulled up outside this small building got out and walked inside.  She signed in and waited for her name to be called. 

15 minutes later a nurse came out saying her name.  They head to her room.  Making her check her weight and then go pee.  After she was done she walked into the room ready for her ultrasound.  The lady walks over lifting her shirt and putting the gel on her stomach. 

"It's warm," She said


Rubbing it on her stomach.  The baby popped up on the screen.  Little body was still growing with arms and legs already

"Looks like you are 16 weeks"

"4 months pregnant? "

"Yeah, that's about right. 

"Why am I just now feeling everything?  Let alone I was still having my periods" Maya asked

"Our bodies are different.  Some of us can go a whole 38weeks without knowing they are pregnant"

"For real? "


Maya ain't say nothing.  Just sit back and let her continue to do her job. 

An hour passed Maya walked out calling Greg. 

"So how did it go? "

"4 months"

"Damn. At least thought a month"

Maya becomes upset. 

"Aye don't start the crying shit.  Where you? "

"Pulling up to your building"

"Alright, I'm going head down Meet you in the lobby. Nah just stay in the car.  Here I come "

Greg made his at through the lobby out of the building.  He signals Maya to move over so he can drive. Maya got out getting the passenger side. He gets in and leans over to kiss her. 

"What you got a taste for? "

"I want a Milkshake"

"A milkshake? " Greg says looking at her and raising his eyebrow

"Yeah.  Sounds good.  Like I can taste it in my mouth"

Greg laughs. 

"I'm being serious"

"Alright milkshake it is"

Greg pulled up Sonic ordering her a large vanilla milkshake.  Then he orders him some actual food.  Which was a burger and fry. Sipping on her Milkshakes and driving down the road.

"My mother called me today? "

"Grace?  Where is she?  Why are you just now saying something"

"No.  My foster mother"

"Awe.  My bad.  What does she want? "

"To visit"

"And how do you feel about her calling you after all these years? "

"I don't know why she even called me.  I never wanted to talk to her again.  But I guess she changed what she said"

"Okay.  Look I'm going to be real with you.  You're pregnant so I'm going to be super protective of you.  But I can't stop you from doing anything you feel you need to do. Just let me know ahead of time so my schedule won't be so fucked up"

"I got you, baby"

"Nah we got each other.  I've been thinking about buying a house for us. "

"Before the baby or after the baby? "

"Before the baby silly.  I just need my wife to go looking for a house.  And I don't care what the cost is.  As long as you like it. I'll love it.  And don't be mad at me. But I'll have bodyguards at the house and security will be around you"

"I don't need them following me everywhere Greg"

"They've been following you since we got back.  I just ain't tell you"

"So they following us now? "

"Yeah.  But you won't notice them.  And you sure didn't know this morning" Greg said

"Okay well if they are that good.  I shouldn't see period. "

"You won't trust me"

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