Chapter 12

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Back in Chicago

Mason called Camilla's phone. 

"Hello," Camilla said

"This Mason.  What's up? "

"Hey, son.  Nice to hear your voice.  It's been so long"

"Maya told me to call her"

"Yeah,  I wanted to see if you would visit your mother sometimes"

"You called after all these years though? "

"I've got my life together now."

"I heard Lola back"

"Yes, she visiting for the winter break. And I would love it if you guys came to stop by sometime"

"Maya won't I'll I will.  Do you still stay in the same spot? "

"No.  I've moved.  I'll send you the address"

"Yeah I'll be there later," Mason said hanging up. 

Mason didn't care to meet Camilla.  But she said she changed and Mason wanted to see for himself before having Maya visit her. 

Mason got up out of bed seeing Nia still sleep.  It was already the afternoon. 

"Get your ass up," Mason said

"Boy get the fuck on.  I'm tired.  Who do you call?"


"For what? "

"Cause she called Maya. Saying she changed and shit so I want to see for myself.  You gone come with me?"

"Yeah ill come"

"Oh and another thing.  Maya pregnant"

"WHAT? "

"Yeah, I said the same shit you did. "

"Well, she knows she's or he went be spoiled.  Now I have to call her.  " Nia said getting up happy. 

Later that day

Mason pulled up to Camilla's house with Nia.  It was a Big house.  Mason pulled out his phone calling His foster mom..

"Yeah we here," He said

Camilla comes outside smiling waving for him to come on.  They both get out and go onto the porch.  Camilla hugs Mason tight

"Wow Nia.  I didn't know you guys would still be together" Camilla said hugging her. 

"Yeah," Nia said giving her a hug with one arm. 

They walked in seeing how big it was.  Living room to the right with an open kitchen you see straight to the back.  Walking in a talk dark-skinned man came down and started with his shirt off.  Mason looks up and sees him come down the stairs smiling. 

"This is my Husband Dennis"

(Whole-time it is Mason and Maya's real father )

"What's up, man?  Heard a lot about you"

"What's up I'm Mason"

"Dennis as she said.  Do you smoke? "

"Hell yeah. "

Lola comes running downstairs smiling. 

"Mason. "

Running up hugging him. They haven't seen each other since they were 12 when she got sent away with her dad. 

"Damn sis.  You got tall"

"I know right?  I will never pass you.  " Lola walks up to Nia

"Hi.  You must be the Girlfriend.  I'm Lola"

"Sup Lola"

"So how long have y'all been together? "

"Yeah, just know that, " Nia said smiling

"Okay so let's go sit down. Tell me what's been going on? " Camilla said

As soon as they were about to sit down it was a knock at the door.  Dennis went over opening it still with no shirt. 

"Eww.  Put a shirt on" Dejah said walking in

"Hey y'all," Dejah said coming in

"Dejah? " Nia said

"Nia.  Bitch hey" Dejah said

Nia and Dejah knew each other from school.  Never really hung just had classes together. 

"Watch your mouth," Dennis said

"Anyways.  I came to see if I can get some money"

"Dejah we gave you money just 3 days ago," Camilla said

"Last time I checked I was talking to my DAD," Dejah said

"Respect," Lola said

Dejah laughs. 

"I ain't laughing.  Watch who you talking to" Lola said

Lola and Dejah never got along.  And Camilla and Dennis never knew why. Dejah was more of the bouquet type. Likes to go party, smoke, drink.  and Lola was a layback type that liked to Stay in the house watching TV. 

"But I am"

"Aye chill the fuck out," Dennis said. 

"What's the beef? " Nia asked

"I don't beef with bitches" Lola said getting up and going upstairs. 


Camilla shakes her head. 

"Looks like y'all already have family problems," Mason said

"They grown.  And need to figure what's really the problem" Camilla said

"Can I have some money so I can go? " Dejah asked talking to her dad. 

"Yeah here," Dennis said giving her 300

"If you go broke don't bring your ass home," Camilla said

"WHATEVER," Dejah said walking out the door

"So how y'all meet? " Mason asked

"The club," Camilla said

"Don't tell me you still work there? " Mason said

"No, I stopped 4 years ago.  I Work at the bank"

"Awe okay.  And what did he do? "

"That's none of your business Youngblood," Dennis said

"Maybe it is"

Nia grabs his face turning it towards her.

"Not tonight," Nia said

Mason calmed down. 

"It ain't.  Just know your mother is fine. "

"Well look Maya can't come.  It's already too much on her right now" Mason said getting up

"Why not? " Camilla said getting up with him

"Cause she has a lot going on right now.  And she doesn't need to be around y'all drama" Mason going towards the door. 

"Are you going to visit more? "

"Mmmm.  Let me think about it.  I am happy you changed though ma.  Just don't let that nigga control you" Mason said grabbing Nia's hand and walking to the car. 

"Love you," Camilla said

"Love you too ma. "

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