Shopping and max

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Callie pov

"Morningggg" I said to Tom who was sitting next to cole

"Morninnngggg" Tom said and kissed my cheek.

"Hello ". Cole said

"Hello" I said

It was a Saturday morning and today was a chill day.

Cole and Shay had finally decided on their wedding.

It is in a huge cliff side which overlooks the mountains.  It was in the summer in North Carolina in leatherwood mountains. I saw pictures of the venue and it was absolutely stunning. Thankfully because Shays parents are rich as fuck. They have kindly let us stay with them at a cabin they own in leatherwood mountains.

Cole and Shay are staying at a LUXURY FUCKING HOTEL. Lucky bitches.

"I wanna go in the pool" Cole said looking to Hunter

"Mhm." He said typing away in his laptop.

"Sorry I'm just finishhhinggggggg" hunterr said and shut his laptop.

"Up" he said

"Cute cute" I said looking at Tom's phone then putting my hands around him.

Cole glanced

"I need to get new clothes." Cole said

"Why?" I said

"Well firstly u and the boys take all my clothes. Secondly there all from highschool. And all my office clothes are dad's old ones." Cole said

"I need to get new pants and shirts" Hunter said

"Dude. You're still living out of a suitcase." Cole said

Hunter chuckled and nodded

"We can go today" Cole said and Hunter nodded

"Go where?" Brayden asked putting a shirt on. Coles shirt.

"See what I mean?" Cole said

"Shopping" I said

"I wanna come" Brayden said

"WE CAN ALL GO!" Cole said

"YEEEEEAAAAS!" Indiana said

Shay was with a client today so she wasn't at home.

"OKAY PEOPLES! BE DOWNSTAIRS IN 20 MINUTES OR IM LEAVING YOU!" Cole shouted and everyone ran to their rooms.

I changed into cargo jeans and a tank crop top.

"No" Cole said in the hallway.

"What?! Whyyyyy" I said

He patted my belly and shoulders.

"Change. Now. Or but something over it" he said

"NOT-" he said and I ran mid sentence into his room to grab his white shirt

"Not my clothes." Cole said

I picked up a white button up shirt and it was big. But cute.

"Okay" he huffed and I waked into my room to spray more perfume

I walked down and Indiana was in gray sweats and a black tube top.

She was matching with Tate who had a black shirt on and gray basketball pants and ace had on gray leggings and a black top

"Aww" I said

Hunter came down with a white shirt black jeans which were ripped and red Jordan's.

Cole came down in black jeans and a baby blue top

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