Gun point

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TW:GUN and SA(kinda)
i fluttered my eyes open and I saw that I was tied to MY Kitchen chair.
I look around and ... HOPMUS.! WTF IS HE DOING HERE
"Awww the baby is awake" he said as he caressed my cheeks.
"I wasn't finished with you last time." He said
" please, let me go" I said
I had legit no energy
" oh and don't even bother screaming, look what I got!" He said as he held a gun to my stomach.
" why r you doing this.!" I spat
" to get the next best thing." He said
"What? " I asked
" your mom." He said
My mother. How did he know my mom. What revenge and why?
" my mom! What ? " I said confusingly
" your dad took the love of my life from me. Jennifer was absolutely gorgeous and you look almost exactly like her so " he said
My tears became more intense.
Then I heard a car pull up. MY BROTHERS!.FUCK
All the blinds were closed so I couldn't see them.
HOPMUS ran behind the stairs leaving me tied behind on the chair.
My hair was all ruffled and I looked a mess.
They opened the door.
"Calli-" Cole said
" oh my god , wtf, what happened!" Brayden says as he ran towards me
HOPMUS ran out of the corner holding a gun.
Brayden slowly backed away.
" well we meet again..." HOPMUS says
" Please...... let her go...... take me" Cole said
" put all your shit on the floor and all hands in the air. " he demanded
Then he put a gag on me and held the gun to my head.
"Awww I can see Brayden has grown up, Cole , max and Tate what handsome and strong young men." He said
"And Callie, a strong, beautiful , intelligent and independent young woman" he said as his finger slowly moved up my thigh.
I squirmed my thigh.
" HOPMUS leave her alone, what do u want.?" Tate asked
" your mother- " he started
" OUR MOM?!" All the boys said
"Yes, she was a beautiful and sm-" he was interrupted
" how did u know our mom ?" Brayden asked
"STOP INTERRUPTING OR ILL SHOOT HER " he said pushing the gun to my head
"Anyways, she was stolen by your dad. KYLE BENEDICT LORD. That stupid bitch!" He shouts
" so after years I found you guys and moved across the street. In hopes of getting with your mother... speaking of where is she?" He asked
" he doesn't know.... Does he?" Cole said
"KNOW WHAT!" He shouted
" umm Idk how to tell you but ....... She died, almost 1 year ago in the shootout by Romeo drive, it was all over the news how did u not see?" Tate questioned
" WHAT! No . No no no no non no . THIS WASNT PART IF THE PLAN!" He shouted as he paced around
I looked at Cole with tears in my eyes and I saw him mouth. 'It's okay, amber alert'
THE AMBER ALERT ON HIS CAR KEYS!! How could I forget!!!!
"Now I'm gonna have to do my plan with your pure innocent little sister," he said
"NO PLEASE DO-" Brayden said as he ran and got up. I heard a gunshot .
" NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed from the gag and all of the boys with tears in their eyes.
I saw a pool of blood around bray. He was just laying there. 
He put his hand on my stomach and started going lower .
He lowered my gag and said
" your gonna go to sleep" he said
" WAIT!!! " I said hurriedly
" please don't do this, please I -" I said as a cloth was put to my nose and I passed out.
Cole POV
Tate and max looked at each other in horror. He just chloroformed her.
" I want you to watch me " he said as his hands went lower on her.
I kicked Brayden and he was lifeless. Was he dead? No Brayden is strong. Tears started to fall down my eyes. The sight of my sister being raped infront of me and I can't do anything makes me disgusted.
He started to kiss her and touch her. I wanted to scream and beat this man up and I looked over at Tate . He was red , you could see the veins in his neck.
Callie's shorts were unbuttoned and he was kissing her. NO ONE KISSES MY FUCKING SISTER.

I wanted to throw up . His hands went lower and lower until they were in her pants. I wanted to cry for her.
I could hear her moaning in discomfort.all of us looked at the ground we couldn't watch
"Get off me " she whispered, her eyes closed and moved her legs around
" yo she said get off her" max said
" don't make me shoot u and end up like him" he said pointing at Brayden.
All of a sudden the door Bust open
"HOPMUS JOHN-RED YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" A police officer shouted whilst pointing his gun at him.
" I will shoot her" HOPMUS said
"Okay put the gun down slowly and back away" another person said
" You put your gun down " he said as he stood behind 
The officers slowly put their gun down and went to the floor.
" Keep your head down . Low to the ground as u can. No sudden movements " she whispered
"Why " I asked
She pressed a button on her watch and then there was a big bang. Then a pool of blood. Oh no ......... was Callie shot. I ran up to her and untied her . U dragged her  lifeless body from the chair and put her on the floor
Tate held Brayden in his arms
" Brayden please don't die on me , please don't die, " he said as tears were flowing from his eyes.
I held Callie and Brayden in my arms and kissed both of their foreheads.
" 3 ambos now" she said
We all liked over to see HOPMUS dead on the floor.
An ent came and took Brayden and Callie into an ambulance .
I went in Braydens ambulance and we came to the hospital.
I held his hand as the Emt people did their thing. He had a pulse but it was really weak.
" sir , do not touch the patient, he has a weak pulse and we need to make it stronger, cuz if not he will die." They said
I moved my hands and watched as they ripped his shirt off and used paddles on him.  His body went up and down until.
" we got him! Sir don't worry, he's gonna be okay" she said as the turned to me.
"Thank you" I said
" it's my job" she said
We ran into the hospital and they put and IV in him and put him in a hospital gown.

2minutes later Callie followed in with Max and Tate behind her.

Officer Anthony came 10 minutes later. He told us that HOPMUS will never see the sunlight again and no chance of getting out anytime soon.
I held both their hands.  They had to change Callie into a hospital gown aswell.

Hours past and all of us were tired . Until.
" Callie?" Max said going over to her
"Cals!?" Tate said
"Wake up baby please wake up" I said
She started to breathe faster and faster .
"NURSE! NURSE!" Tate shouted
A group of nurses barged in and out in a breathing tube down her nose. It was so painful to watch and all of a sudden she shot her eyes open and gasped for air.
" CALLIE BREATH baby Breath," Tate said holding her hand
I poured water into her mouth and she calmed down.
She looked around and saw Brayden.

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