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screamed as he held me.

"The voices" I whispered
All my brothers ran up to my room.
I was laying on my bed.

" she had Bacardi in her hands." Max said
"What voices?!" Max said

" the voices" I said in fear.

"Awww baby" he said as he held me closer

" I'm sorry, they wouldn't go away," I cried

I cried so much cuz they found out. Plus Bray was sad cuz he just came out a relationship.

" you can always talk to me " Brayden said
"And me" all the boys replied

Nightfall came and I felt like shit. I couldn't sleep. So I went to Brayden's room.
It was like 1 am. So I walked by his room to see if he was awake. He was on his phone , sat up.
"Heyy, it's 1 am, what r u doing awake?" He asked
" I couldn't sleep" I said
I sat on his bed and layed my head on his chest.
" I'm sorry "I said as tears dripped down my face.
" it's ok" he said as he stroked my hair
" can I tell u something?" He said
"Anything." I replied
" I knew a girl. She was insecure about herself. Really insecure. She stopped eating,and cut herself. I didn't see the signs. She became so skinny and underweight she was diagnosed with anorexia. She was drinking and smoking till the point where she passed out.she went to the hospital and kept her their. Whilst she was at parties she used to use drugs. She got better and better until something triggered her and she relapsed . She got back into drugs quickly and cuz of her being skinny and tall and weighed less, she passed away baby. That's why I don't want you to drink . Relapse can kill people and ruin their lives. That's why we have a close eye on you and max." He said
"Wow, I'm sorry... I wanna see if max is awake ." I say getting out of the bed.

I walked over to Maxes room to check on him. I opened the door and I saw him with something in his nose and a card. I knew immediately what it was. Cocaine. He didn't notice me cuz his head was down. I panicked. He relapsed. Oh no this is all my fault . I needed a shot. Or a hit. Or something.
" Max, what are you doing?" I whispered
"Oh shi-" he says putting the card and rolled up money on the table, " it's not what you think I-"

I immediately ran to wake up my other brothers who then came rushing into maxes room to see the coke on the table and card and rolled money.
"Holy fuck Max" Cole said. Tears started running down max's cheek and he turned bright
"I'm sorry " he said sitting up in his bed and sobbing
I ran over and I hugged him.
" this is all my fault, I shouldn't have let u drink my drink at new years" I said
" don't blame urself, it was me who relapsed." He said
"Ur not the only one, we can do this together, but I deadass need a hit or drink rn" I say
I grab my vape from my room and run back to max's .
I take a hit and I pass it to him.
"Thank you" he said as I smiled.
I hugged him and all of my brothers ran to him.
" dude , r u ok!?" Tate asked
" I can't believe you relapsed "Brayden said
" I'm so sorry, I can't fucking do life anymore " he said as he rubbed his tears.
" gimme the rest of the coke... NOW.... And any other drugs. I will be searching all of your room. And Callie's. So anything you are hiding. Give it to me now and I won't be mad. But if I find anything tmrw , your dead." He said
Max took out a packet with pills from under his bed and weed from his shelf. Cole scraped the coke off of the table and put it in his hand.
"What's the pills? Ik the other one is weed" Brayden asked.
"1 fenty and 1 lsd" he said
" holy fuck max , u coulda killed yourself" Cole said
"Cals your turn." Cole said
Everyone including max followed me .
But when max got up he couldn't. He got up but fell right back down.
"R u ok? U high? How many lines did u do?" Tate asked
" ha...... maybe uhh idk 2?" He said
"Bring ur shit here Cals, we gotta keep an eye on him." Cole said
I ran to my room and I knew Cole could find Anything. So no bother trying to hide anything. I took out everything. Blades dead vapes. Bacardi bottles . Hennessy and absolute bottles. I had a couple of cigarettes and small blunts I couldn't smoke anymore. I put them all in a bag and brought them to max's room.
I heard max starting to hyperventilate. And my brothers tried to calm him down and I heard max say " this is my fault, she relapsed cuz of me." He said .
I ran into the room with a bag and poured everything out.
Everyone's jaw dropped.
" Omfg Callie. That's a lot of vapes and alcohol. Like a lot." Brayden getting off of maxes bed to hug me.

" Brayden getting off of maxes bed to hug me

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"I'm sorry " I said" no it's ok

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"I'm sorry " I said
" no it's ok. no school tomorrow. We have to figure something out . Now. Max is still high so he definitely can't go , Callie your going. " Cole said.
I ended up falling asleep in Maxes bed .

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