I didnt know he cared

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We woke up the next morning and it was 9am.

I walked downstairs and everyone besides Indiana was there. Tom was also there

" Morning sleepy" Cole said

I yawned asking where Indiana was .
She was still sleeping. I went back upstairs and I saw Indiana . Her eyes were all puffy and red

" Hey girlie " she said

" Heyy, how you feeling" I asked

" like shit but relaxed" she responded.

I washed my face and stayed in my pjs cuz y not. Right?

She washed her face and we both went downstairs.

" Hey Indiana " Tom said getting up and hugging her

" Tomato!!" She said hugging him back.

" Hey uh can I talk to u for a sec"  he asked

" Yeh" she said and they walked to the back.

I stayed silent and but my head down as I was still sleepy.

" U good?" Brayden said taking a bit of his bread.

" yeh jus tired , idk I don't feel well, I feel iffy" I said yawning

He rubbed my back .

" maybe eat something " he said .
I took a bite of his toast and felt better.

" Do you think maybe it's your umm..... yk?" Tate said

" my what? Oh shark week?" I asked

" tahts one way to put it" he chuckled.

" yea maybe , my tummy and back hurts so probably." I said

I ate breakfast and Tom and Indiana came back.

Indiana pov

" okay, mom and dad are really worried about you." He started

" yea? Well they we're the ones who KICKED ME OUT" i empathized

" they thought you would be back, and that you were joking but you really didn't come back. And they also keep on questioning who the dad is and how many people you've slept with and blah blah and it's hard because that's awkward." He retorted

" did u tell them?" I asked

" No , it's not my place. But I think you should." He said

" I don't wanna talk to them." I said

" just text them." He said
I nodded and headed back to the kitchen.

Callie pov
I got up and went to the bathroom.

I looked down at my underwear and . Low and behold it was shark week.

" Fuck" I said

" All good in there" Tate asked

" YEP" I shouted

I texted Indiana.

Me: Indiana

Indi: Callie

Me: this is really embarrassing but can u get me a pad from my room please? I don't have any in this bathroom. And it's shark week.

Indi : ofcc, where r they?

Me: in a basket in my room, also I don't want my brothers to see, it's in my closet.oh and underwear

Indi: okay

Okay the bathroom downstairs was literally right by the kitchen like right across the right side of the kitchen island was the bathroom. So if Indiana was to give me the pad, everyone would see.

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