Winter heat

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"IT CANNOT BE THAT BAD" Tate says dying of laughter. All of the girls stop smiling and glare at him.
" your turn!"I shouted
Tate sat down and I put the pads on his stomach.
" get ready... " Cole said
" wtvr" he said
He only made it to level 3 ..... awwwww.
" I take back everything I said . It's fucking painful" she says in one breath
We did Max . He went up to 8 . He and Cole weren't as bitchy about it.
" BRAYDEN " I shout.
"Ur turn" I say
All I hear is footsteps. He ran. Me and Tate and Cole ran after him . He doesn't get far . Cole pulls him back by his shirt and carries him like a baby.
" nooooooo I don't wanna" he whined
" we all did it and now.. so do u" I say
We force him on the couch and I give Lola the remote and I say
" don't go easy on him".
" oh I won't." She menacingly smirks.
He passed all the way up to level nine. But even then he was in excruciating pain.
" And for conclusion. This is why you don't tell us what it's like to be a girl " I say
I say goodbye to everyone and Shay walks me up.
" make sure the boys treat u good. If not then u call me." She says and I say "ok"

I go upstairs and I piss but I forgot I needed to change my pad.
I quickly ran into my room and put a handful of pads on the top of the toilet.
I walked out of the bathroom .
To see all four standing .
" yess?" I say
They don't say anything.
Tate picks me up over his shoulders and drops me on the couch
They then all gang up on me and boom. Tickle monster. I have tickes . Like i really hate them.
They let me go and I put on a Christmas movie.
The Nightmare before Christmas.
I start watching it and I start to fall asleep.
" is she asleep?" I think Tate asked
" yh I think so. She looks exhausted, let her be" Brayden said.
My head falls on Maxes lap and he extends my legs.
I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning. It was burning hot. Like VERY hot even though it was winter.
I open my eyes to see I'm laying on the sofa.
"What." I say to myself .
" No one bothered to take me to my room?" I thought.
I quickly change out of my pjs as they were full sleeve.
" good morning baby" Cole says.
" why is it so hot!" I exclaim
" firstly ur wearing full sleve and secondly AC broke and someone is comming to fix it"
" oh ok" I say running upstairs to change.
I change into denim shorts and a tank top.

  I change into denim shorts and a tank top

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It was literally 85 degrees F inside. Holy fuck.
I run downstairs to see all my brothers eating popsicles.
My mom always taught me that when there is a heatwave.
NUMBER 1. Always put cotton blankets in the freezer.
NUMBER 2. Get a fan. Put a bowl of ice infront and turn the fan on. That way the cool air spreads
NUMBER 3. Put ice water in a spray bottle and spray yourselves to keep cool.
NUMBER 4. all blinds and doors should be closed.
So I decided to do all 4. I carried a fan from Maxes room and I get a big bowl of ice and put it on the side table and all the boys watch in amazement.
They all stand infront on the fans and take their shirts off.
Ew .
I stared at them in disgust. I wish I could take my shirt off I'm sweating.
" awww she likes our abs! Too bad she can't take her shirt off cuz she's a girl" they say mockingly.
" ew no ur ugly . And gimme ur spreadsheet. All of u" I say
" why?" They ask
" u wanna stay cool or not." I say
They all run up and go get them. In the meantime I fill up a spray bottle with ice cold water.
All the boys come down and give me their sheets.
" hold your sheets and spread them out" I explained.
I sprayed all of the sheets one by one with the cold water and put them in the freezer .
And then I sprayed the boys.
" what are we gonna do now?" I ask
"POOL DAY!" cole shouts.
" text your friends n tell them to come over"
He says
I texted Indiana , LILI,  Holly and Tom
Brayden also texted Tom.
Unfortunately holly couldn't come cuz of some school stuff.
Cole and i went to go get supplies. Chips , ice , icecream, soda . Etc.

1 hr later we came home and unloaded the stuff. And slowly but surely people started to arrive. Indiana and Tom. LILI came minutes late. Then Lola and

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