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It was 3 months after the incident. I was fine ish. I felt nauseous all the time and I always looked bloated. I had been throwing up at home , school. Everywhere. I kept it quiet because I didn't want my brothers to worry.
I was still vaping but I still wasn't caught.
I stopped eating often. When I ate I felt more nauseous. I felt so fat because of the bloating. all the food that I had been eating, was shoved under my bed. Chips pockets, full with stale chips. Plates with food still on them etc.

Once every couple months we all took turns cleaning the rooms. It was coles turn. I went to school as per usual, and after school I went to Tom and Indiana 's house. I told my brothers that I was sleeping over that night. And they were OK with it because they trusted them.

I was sitting on Indiana's bed when at 8:34 pm Cole  called me.  I answered the phone, to hear, and annoyed Cole shouting at me from the other side of the phone. I couldn't really make out what he was saying, but the only thing I understood was come home now. Indiana Drove me back home and I opened the door and went into the house.  All 4 Boys glared at me piercing my soul. I ran upstairs as fast as possible and cried. I opened my door to find my room spotless. Oh no . They went through my stuff.
I went to find the random vapes I had to make sure they were there. They were thankfully but I didn't remember how many I had so I just presume that they were all there. The food under my bed . Gone . They knew. Oh no . Shit shit shit.

I walked downstairs , I guess I ran upstairs so fast I didn't even notice the 2vapes on the kitchen counter and a pile of the food under my bed. They didn't notice me at first but became of the stupid creeping step in the floor Brayden looked back and screamed.
" Get her" he shouted.
All of the boys ran and chased me upstairs. I was too slow. I felt someone grab my hips and pull me down.. I turned around to see Tate holding my hands and legs.
"LET ME FUCKING GO" I screamed
" we need to talk . NOW!"cole said
I was carried into my bedroom with everyone else following. Tate threw me on my bed. And Brayden sat behind me and held my waist to make sure I didn't move.
" since when did u start vaping?" Cole started
" since mom and dad died" I said
" why baby, why ?" He said
" I'm not fuking doing this ," I said
"Don't make me make you talk" max said angrily
"Can they get out?" I said
" no baby because u haven't been eating either, why do u do this to yourself?"
" I'm lifting ur shirt up" Cole said
" no fine fine!" I said
" no baby Ik but I can see your ribs through your shirt " he said
" guys , out" he said
He pulled my shirt up and unbuttoned my pants. He gasped. I cried and screamed.
"Baby, it just skin and bone." He said
" idfc." I said
" ok so u don't mind the boys comming in ?"
" please no" I said
" baby they have to see too. Max wants to be a doctor and he's best in science so , I'm gonna need his help" he said
The boys came in and gasped. Max put his ear to my stomach.
" wtf have u done ! "He said
" Omfg baby it gonna be so hard for u and us now!" He said
" why ?" Brayden asked
" Shes anorexic." He said.shocked
" have u been puking?" He asked
"No" I lied
" baby stop the bs . your stomach is caved in and because you've been throwing up so much I can see the indent on your ribs."
He checked my eyes .
" your anemic. Eat fucking food" he said
I cried . I felt violated in so many ways.
" weigh her" Cole said
They put me on a scale and was astonished.
"90lb for a 16 yr old!" He shouted
I cried as Brayden shoved me into the shower.
" take a shower and come down" Max said
I took a nice, long, hot shower. I took my time. I cried in the shower so that I wish my brothers didn't care.
I changed my clothes and I dried my hair.
I slowly crept downstairs and I felt so dizzy and scared. The room became smaller. The wall started closing it on me. My breaths turned into gasps , gasping for air. I held onto the railing. I felt eyes stare my way.
"Callie?" I heard , muffled
My eyes closed, rolling to the back of my head.

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