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for our 2-7 group dance they summoned all the dance captains to the auditorium to hear what the twist will be. and i was kinda nervous.

"congratulations for making it this far." the woman who talked to us said. "look around you because after today half of you will be gone."

the competition is down to 16 teams with four rounds left. i hope whatever they planned for us isn't too crazy.

"now as you know, you'll be performing the 2-7 person dance. but the only challenge you'll be facing is that you'll be performing this dance blindfolded." i straightened my body, uncomfortably.

blindfolded?! this is crazy.

"go!" she yelled and we all walked out to find our teams.

Steph, Riley, Michelle and Ciarra were waiting for me in the back room and i gave them the news.

we decided to rehearse the routine with the blindfold. but it went so bad. we kept bumping into each other and fall on the floor.

"wow! yes!" suddenly i heard West's voice. "that was terrible." i took my blindfold to look at him.

"when did you get here?" i asked him.

"i just walked in. i wanted to see how the dance is going. and clearly it's a mess. but don't worry. i have a genius idea. if you guys are wanting to add one more person. i think you guys-"

"are you crazy?" riley exclaimed.
"we can't do that." we said.

"no, no, no. i'm telling you guys, trust me. you guys need Noah. he's like Marco Polo on a ship without a compass blindfolded."

"guys he's right." Cierra said. "i've seen it. he's got this gift."

"there's no way." Steph said.

"don't worry about it. i'm gonna prove it. i'll be back." he turned around and left the room.

i am interested to see what he means, but i'm nervous at the same time.

after ten minutes West came back with Noah, and Noah put the blindfold on.

"i will now prove my theory." west said to us.

i threw a ball to Noah and he caught it. and then riley did and he caught it again. and steph's ball as well.

he's blindfolded and he's catching everything that we throw on him.

noah jiggled the balls, still blindfolded and we were all really impressed.

"all in favor for in?" west asked and we all raised our hands. "and there it is."

"okay, but we only have a dance for five, not for six." i said.

if noah comes in, then we need to lose somebody else.

"i'll back out." steph said but Michelle pulled her aside.

i walked to Noah and hugged him. "you sure you're up to it?" i asked him.

"of course." he said back.

"listen guys." michelle said. "i'm the alternate for the team, i'll back out."

"okay. that settles it then. let's practice." i said to them.

we had a few run throughs with Noah and then we had to go and get ready.

we came a little early to the wings cause we want to see sweden perform.

they had seven girls on the stage, and they used a rope to stay together. they were absolutely incredible. they knew exactly where they were. it's like they weren't even blindfolded.

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