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we were all in the studio, the first time as an actual team. "this is the official team for nationals!" Kate said. "and as a special surprise... actually West, why don't you say it?"

"all right, thanks miss kate. i'd like to introduce you guys to my tapper friends. they'll do a performance for you guys today."

it's insane the way they work with their feet. they have to be together all the time otherwise you can hear it.

two men walked inside the studio and started measure people. "who are you?" Emily asked them.

"are you the mouthpiece of this group? is that what it is about?" The man asked her. "i know your type but you're asking the wrong questions. it's not who i am. it's when i am. and when am i Minho?" he asked the other guy.

"right now."

James laughed by my side. "something funny over here? sweatpants does that making you laugh? am i a comedian to you?" he yelled at James.

the other guy started measure me and i felt a little uncomfortable.

Kate came in and said that these guys designing us a studio jump suit.

he showed us some of his designs but they all looked a bit ridiculous. the last one was blue and normal and we all loved it. "which one do you want?" he asked us.

"that one!" we all said.

"yeah we absolutely love this one. it just screams the next step." Kate said.

"okay. that's fine."

after a quick break, we were in the studio just talking excitedly about the jumpsuit that we're gonna have.

"hey guys." Kate walked inside getting our attention. "i know how much we all loved Zoltan's designs but unfortunately we just can't afford it."

"Miss Kate, we need uniforms. everyone in nationals are gonna have one except for us. we're gonna be left out." Michelle said.

"trust me i know. i want them just as bad as you do but it's literally impossible we don't have the money to pay for them."

78 325 and 19 cents. this is ridiculous.

"what if we do some type of fundraiser. maybe like a car wash or something." Giselle suggested and we all loved the idea.

"okay sure. i mean there's soap and buckets in the change room so you guys can go grab it now and i'll put the word out."

we all went down and did the car wash outside but it wasn't going great. it was just hot and uncomfortable.

James's mom showed up and that was nice of her but there's no hope.

we came back to the juice bar and Amanda counted the money. 27 dollars. that's not nearly enough.

in rehearsal the two man came back arguing until they stopped and looked at us. "so what's it gonna be? we have a lot sewing to do."

"actually Zoltan—" his phone rang and he stopped miss kate in the middle.

he yelled that he didn't have models for his show. that was weird. i guess he organized a fashion show.

"Zalzan. excuse me." Michelle said.

"what? yes speak louder." he said.

"what just happened? like obviously something is wrong."

"something is wrong. i'm supposed to do a show and my models are stuck at the airport in Milan. i can't do it." he explained.

"we're all dancers and i'm sure we would all be good at modeling."

"as a matter of fact why don't we exchange? they'll model for you if you give us free uniforms." kate said.

Giselle and West started walking across to show Zoltan that we can do it.

Michelle's idea is good. really good.

"you guys think you can do it?" he asked us.

"yes." we all exclaimed.

"it's a deal." we all got so excited.

we went to Zoltan's show and we all put on our clothes and then waited for him to arrive.

West decided to show him his modeling skills. he was amazing, he was doing great. until Zoltan decided he wasn't good.

he started screaming at all of us that modeling is hard and not easy and how unprofessional we are. i hope it gave us more motivation to success because we need the uniforms.

we all backstage nervous and excited with the clothes.

and then we went out to everybody. we all looked good and we did a great job. we took off our smiles and just put on this model face. it felt amazing.

the next day we all walked inside the studio and West stopped us all. "the uniforms are here!" he exclaimed and we all walked over to them to look.

they were so good! it was simple and pretty just like us!

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